Daily Dynamic Saturday | Ekwang preparation by @monjuapollonia

in hive-188403 •  3 years ago 

Greetings to steemworld!


Edited by me on pixellab


It's yet another Easter for us Christian's to commemorate the death, burial and ressurection of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

I don't know about you, but for me , during this period especially on good Friday to Easter Sunday, my family and I don't eat meat. So if I'm making any meal I have to use fish or be a complete vegetarian. With this in mind, I will be sharing with you my preparation of ekwang a delicacy in Cameroonian kitchen which leaves many savouring for more. It's at this juncture that I will present to you the ingredients I used.


Itemsprice in CFAprice in steem
Cocoyams leaves300frs1.5steem
Dry fish500frs2.5steem
1liter of palm oil1000frs5steem
Country onion100frs0.5steem
Spring onion100frs0.5steem
White and bush pepper200frs1steem

🔷 A pinch of salt and Maggie cube to taste.

🔸 I peeled the cocoyams and washed
Then after the water dried up from it I then grated to form a paste.

🔸 I mixed the paste and added a pinch of salt, Maggie and a drop of Palm oil to colour it.

Grated ekwang

🔸 Then greased my pan with palm oil and then kept aside.
Sliced my spring onion and onion and kept aside.
Cut the leaves into rectangular shapes.

🔸 Started wrapping the paste to the leaves and placing in the pot. During this process, I sprinkle Abit of the chopped onions. Repeated the actions until I fished wrapping

Wrapping the ekwang and placing in the pot

🔸 Then placed the pot on fire and allowed the pot to get warm and then added boiled water kept in my tea flask.
NB: Boiled water for ekwang is very important because it's stops the itchyness of the cocoyams.

Do you know that while cooking something strange happened. Since I was cooking in the three stones fireside, I saw something that is similar to a lizard but it's body looks replica to a snake and I ran out of the kitchen and my kids came in and managed to take it outside.

That's a lizard lookalike*
I was even afraid to take pictures but I needed to show you guys how it looked right!

🔸 I added water from time to time until I it was almost ready. I added the fish, and all other ingredients and then cover for it to simer.

While I was waiting for my food to be ready, my best friend came in.
It has been long she visited because she's schooling and I was glad to have her so was my kids. She's not an online person though I have been encouraging her to Join steemit and I know she'll do so one day. Currently she lost her phone and I know when she eventually has one I encourage her to create hers.

And as we discussed, the food was ready
We are and later I went and accompanied her.

Food is ready
Please if you've seen this reptile before kindly share more about it for me to learn in the comment!
Pictures are grided using PicsArt app by me.
Thanks for reading!!


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Ohh this looks really nice. I hope it’s tastier than it looks 🤤. And on the Good Friday part, we also don’t eat meat.

It really does 🙏

Gosh that is indeed a scary looking thing!
I will for sure also run out of my kitchen if I had to see it.
Your food looks delicious!

Thanks my friend

Your meal looks yummy dear and it's similar to one of our Nigerian delicacy called "ekpang nkukwo".
The animal is scary, I'm glad your kids were able to take it out without getting hurt.

Stay safe and thank you for the steps.

Thanks for reading my post

My best food, we call it Ekpang nku-kwo and Is one of my favorites.

I don't know much about the lizard but that type is dangerous. They run very fast and their body is slippery.

The food really looks tasty.