Steem Women club Engagement contest 1 || My Grandfather is my World❤ || My Participation || Club5050 || by @naddiyaatif

in hive-188403 •  3 years ago 
Assalamu Alaikum everyone!

Hey! Guys how are you all ? hope you all are doing good and living a very healthy Life. My wishes and prayers are always with you guys. Stay happy, stay blessed❤

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Important Man/Women In Your Life

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My Grandfather he is the person who is important in my life, he is the precious gift of Allah to me you know I have a very close connection with my Grandfather he is the one who always take care of me who always fulfil all my wishes keep me feel so secure and relaxed. When I was born all were so happy as I am the first child of my whole family and my Grandfather ( Dada ) told me that you were so beautiful your cheeks were so red all the nurses in hospital is coming to see you only he always want me to smile.

When I was born my mother was after some time my mother joined a school as she love to do job and my father was a busy man and we live in join family system so I was with my grandfather and grandmother they take care of me and when I was school going I go with my mother but at off timing my grandfather come to pick me up and we have to cross the road so my grandfather used to sit me on his shoulder and make me cross the road. He always carry me on his shoulder and take me to the market to the park.

He always scold everyone just for me no one can make me sad no one can scold me he always support me always make my parent to listen me he loves me a lot and I love him a lot. My grandfather's relationship with me is very special, you know I can never live without my grandparents they are my everything and I am really thankful to ALLAH that he give me the chance to live with my grandfather and grandmother I have seen many people who haven't seen there grandparents because live does not gave them this chance.

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This is pic from my ( Phophu ) Wedding means my father's sister in this picture I felt like my grandfather is so emotional that his daughter is leaving his house and at this situation every father have the same feeling at this moment I went to my grandfather and said him that I am here with you I am also your daughter he hugged me and at that time I feel like my Grandfather is my World❤

Today I am 17 but the relation with my grandfather is still same, still today he get's me snacks we woke up and watch tv together and have so much he is getting old and by the age many problems came in the body his bones is getting weak but he still pick me up from the collage not on the shoulder on bike😂 but the love of my grandfather is still same and you know what my grandfather said that the connection with his child means my father and their child like me always have special connection.

In 2018 my grandparents went for Umrah we all were so happy they were going first time they have 10 days tour in ramadan they went after they leave for Umrah I was so sad I have never live a 1 day without my grandfather and now have to spent 10 days. After reaching they perform Umrah after that he call me and I talked to him and started crying that when you will come back I am missing you and grandfather started saying that beta please stop crying I will come soon and after 10 days we went to airport to receive them I was eagerly waiting for them they went out and I just run under the barrier guards were stoping me and hugged my grandfather he started crying seeing everyone and they bought so much gift for me. I love him a lot❤

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My grandfather can never endurance if anything happens to me, Let me tell you something I was in Lahore to attend wedding and there I had an accident my duppata came in the tire of bike and i fell down and my neck was hurted and my father told me not to tell grandparents about this because they will get tensed I said ok. But when my dada call me ask me how I am I was speaking with him normal but suddenly started crying then he know that what happen to me he was so tensed he was saying to my father that sent me back to Karachi with flight but my father said that she is ok no need of tension. So after coming back I went and hugged my grandfather and trust me he takes care of me 100 percent more from that day.

So this is why I love my Grandfather❤❤ May he be healthy may he live long may he be happy in his life all my wishes to my lovely Grandfather❤💕 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DADA ❤❤

So this is my participation for this contest I tried my best I have given my best and try to convey my relation feeling and love with my grandfather hope you understand why he is important person in my life. Now just hope for the beat and thank you so much @steemitwomenclub for this such a special topic love to write on this and the series of these contest by @steemiblog we are enjoying it a lot thanks for this opportunity.

Stay Blessed, Stay Happy !




I am Inviting @rimsha26 @abdullahhhh @mariebhatti9

signing out, Naddiya Atif

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What a beautiful story with your grandfather, he has always been your protector.

It is very nice that he still accompanies you to your school, not on his shoulders as before hehehehe.

Many blessings and may you continue to reap beautiful moments with your great grandfather,

Thank you Soo much ❤️

Loved your bonding with your grandfather. Also, I can relate to your thoughts and feelings up to 100% because the bond and emotions I share with my grandfather is also out of words. <3 May Allah paak bless our grandfathers with a happy and healthy life Ameen!

Thank you so muchh dear...

Mashaallah.I like your bond with your grandfather.
You have written your post very nicely.

Best of luck for the contest ❤️

Thank you so much...❤

This is the first contest post about a grandparent. I literally got emotional while reading it. You wrote it beautifully. Relationship with grandparents is of a unique kind. They are fatherly yet give you more freedom than a parent does, so you get more close to them.

Thank you for taking part in the contest. Don't forget to interact with other participants. (:

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Thank you Soo much ❤️ my grandfather is a blessing to me 💕

MasyaAllah, excellent work and greeting to your family in Pakistan..

Best Regards, @fitriafifa - Indonesia

Grandfathers are always lovely.