Steem women club community contest #9 “DECLARE YOUR LOVE” || For my mother.| Big awards. Concurso de la Comunidad del Club de Mujeres Steem # 9 | '' DECLARA TU AMOR '' || Por mi madre.

in hive-188403 •  4 years ago 

¡Queridas amigas de la comunidad de steemwomensclub!. Dear friends of the steemwomensclub community!

Me siento muy complacida, de participar en este concurso, de expresar el gran amor que siento por mi madre, el ser que batallo desde mis primeros meses de vida, soy un milagro de nuestro padre celestial, nací con tan solo 6 meses de gestación, estuve batallando entre la vida y la muerte durante 3 meses, que fue cuando salí de peligro. Acepte la invitación a este reto de @ninoska45; ya que en estamos en la semana del amor y la amistad.

I am very pleased to participate in this contest, to express the great love I feel for my mother, the being that I have struggled with since my first months of life, I am a miracle of our heavenly father, I was born with only 6 months of gestation, I was battling between life and death for 3 months, which was when I came out of danger. Accept the invitation to this challenge from @ ninoska45; since in we are in the week of love and friendship.

Mi madre contemplándome. My mother watching me.

Mi amor se lo declaró a mi madre, una gran mujer, un amor incomparable, sin duda mi madre es el mejor regalo que Dios me ha brindado.

My love was declared to my mother, a great woman, an incomparable love, without a doubt my mother is the best gift that God has given me.

Mi madre es el ser más especial para mí, es una mujer incomparable. No se cómo expresarle mi gran amor por ella, es mi guía que me ha llevado por un buen sendero. El amor de una madre es el amor más puro, único, duradero, que ninguna circunstancia lo puede quebrar.

My mother is the most special being for me, she is an incomparable woman. I don't know how to express my great love for her, she is my guide who has led me on a good path. The love of a mother is the purest, most unique, lasting love that no circumstance can break.

Mi madre y yo. My mom and I.

Personalidad. Personality

Mi madre y yo. My mom and I.

Mi mamá es un ser maravilloso, su nombre es Ninoska, cariñosa, amable, atenta, muy dulce, una mujer muy dedicada, responsable. Quien ha desempeñado un rol fundamental desde mi nacimiento hasta los actuales momentos.

My mother is a wonderful being, her name is Ninoska, affectionate, kind, attentive, very sweet, a very dedicated, responsible woman. Who has played a fundamental role from my birth to the present time.

Características de mi madre. Characteristics of my mother.

Mi madre y yo en la cena navideña del 2012. My mother and I at Christmas dinner 2012.

Es una persona cariñosa, amable, encantadora, le encanta abrazarme, darme mucho cariño. Siempre se ha dedicado a mi educación, se levanta muy temprano, desde que yo mi inicie en la escuela, me aseaba, luego me preparaba el desayuno, me llevaba hasta el colegio, luego se regresaba para su trabajo, después me pasaba retirando y me regresaba a la casa. Me arrullaba y me preguntaba cómo me había ido, que le contara ya que ella era mi mejor amiga, todavía lo mantengo una excelente comunicación, lo mío y lo de ella siempre no los comunicamos. Siempre me ha orientado mis tareas.

He is a loving, kind, charming person, he loves to hug me, give me a lot of affection. He has always dedicated himself to my education, he gets up very early, since I started school, he cleaned me, then he made me breakfast, he took me to school, then he went back to work, then he spent me retiring and I I was returning to the house. She lulled me and wondered how I had gone, to tell her since she was my best friend, I still maintain excellent communication, mine and hers we do not always communicate. He has always oriented me my tasks.

Mi madre y yo llevándome a las clases de ballet. My mother and I taking me to ballet classes.

Sacrificio. Sacrifice

Mi madre y yo en carnavales. My mother and I at carnivals.

Mi madre se ha sacrificado mucho por mí, le ha tocado batallar en los momentos buenos y malos, desde que nací, por ser prematura, hasta los actuales momentos, después cuando tenía 5 años de edad, por muchos tiempos fui paciente oncológico por presentar una adenomegalia en el cuello en estudio. Mi madre por mí ha llorado mucho por motivos de salud, se ha sacrificado, por tal razón, si existe otro mundo y tengo que escogerla estoy seguro que la vuelvo a escoger para que sea mi madre, mi gran amor, nadie puede ocupar el lugar que ella ocupa en mi corazón.

My mother has sacrificed a lot for me, she has had to fight in good times and bad, since I was born, because I was premature, until now, then when I was 5 years old, for many times I was an oncology patient for presenting a Adenomegaly in the neck under study. My mother has cried a lot for me for health reasons, she has sacrificed herself, for this reason, if there is another world and I have to choose her, I am sure that I will choose her again to be my mother, my great love, no one can take the place that she holds in my heart.

Le doy gracias a dios por haberme premiado por esta gran mujer, le pido que le de muchos años de vida para poderla tener a mi lado. Aprovecho la oportunidad para darle gracias a los organizadores de esta comunidad por permitirme expresar estas líneas que le dedique a mi madrecita bella. Te amo mamá, eres lo más grande de mi vida.

I thank God for having awarded me for this great woman, I ask him to give her many years of life so that I can have her by my side. I take the opportunity to thank the organizers of this community for allowing me to express these lines that I dedicate to my beautiful mother. I love you mom, you are the greatest thing in my life.

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hi @nieuscarin I have confirmed your contest entry. Like all women, you expressed your love with your best words. The biggest chance in this life is to have a good family. It always makes you happy. It is moving to confess your love for your mother. Not everyone can say such good things about their mother. You are very lucky, I congratulate you for your nice words. .
Thank you very much for participating in the contest. Our slogan in this community; together we are strong. We will support each other. I will strive for women to win. . Keep making quality posts in the community.
If there is any problem, you can reach it from discord channel. Good luck :)