My Name is Priscillia Nneoma Ndukauba .
A native of Umuobu, Umuajata in Olokoro Umuahia
Local government area of Abia State, Nigeria .
I am happy to join steemit .
Marrital Stetus :
Background :
I was born born on Oct 3, 1981.
To the family of Mr Enoch Akobundu Ndukauba .
I grew up in Umuobu, Umuahia Olokoro, where i attended my Primary & Secondary School .
After my secondary school in Umuahia, i came to Lagos State where i did my
high education .
Educational barground :
I'm a Post graduate holder in Business Management .
I'm an insurance Agent . And a skilled worker (Barber & a Stylist)
About @nneoma56:
Very Ambitious ,very humble , and love to learn new things,
A good listener , and approachable .
Hobbies :
Listining to news
My friend @beauty66 has been telling me to join steemit, but because of experiences and froud in the country i refuse to join .I decided to join now because that what she is is doing is real ,and she is doing well with steemit Another reason iwhy i joined steemit is because i want to add it to my source of living . I got registered by focusnow, and am greateful . I will give my out my time and effort on steemit .
Thanks am @nneoma56.