Good evening my dear women, Ladies, wives in Steemwomenclub, I am very happy to be here again, I want to tell you on how I spend my day, preparing my best food, named Ekpang nkukwo, went to Orange Carden Estate with a Client and attending christian meetings.
Morning section
I woke up very early, I started my day with prayer, I loved to handed all the activities of the into Jehovah's hand, I read my daily text, taken from Psalm 71:9 that said, " Do not abandon me when my strength fails,' it helps me to focus on what I can do, because I am willing obey Jehovah I am Jehovah's fellow worker, and that nothing can separate me from Jehovah's love, Old age, sickness, even economic hardship can not and will not separate me from Jehovah's love. E
After enjoying those spiritual foods, I moved to the kitchen to prepare my food called Ekpang nkukwo , using Cocoyam and water yam mixed together tie it with potatoes Leaves and cooked, I put , bongafish , periwinkle, greyish, Maggi, pepper, oil, Curry and scent leaves, I don't forget to put salt, after that I took my bath and eat my delicious food
I called the lady who wants to see the side and confirm the movement, she said that she is ready I prepared and moved , when I meet her, we entered KK to the side, IKot Ekwere at IKot Ekpene Rd, Orange Carden Estate, she likes it and promise to come to the office and start payment.
Afternoon section
We were still there, since it's far from my home I was able to reach my house by 3pm, I relaxed and make some research for study,
Evening Section
since my Christian meeting on Monday is 5;30 , i prepared and attend the meeting , I learned something interesting in the meeting ,as parents and grandparents I must asked Jehovah's direction to trained them following the example of Manoah and the wife the father of Sampson, Judges13;15
Jehovah is wonderful, he helped me to carry out all what I wrote in my plan notes, I thank my Client and Mr Essien who assist me to the side, I will not forget my beautiful sister Mrs Nwankwere @ngoenyi, and everyone who reads my post may Jehovah bless you all