Hello beautiful ladies, I trust your day was as beautiful as you, My day was awesome by the way. Well today I'll be talking a little about my past in relation to the child birth experience i had, my first ever child birth experience. I was thinking about it and was marveled at the way things turned out to become. It was a difficult birth with lots of complications but it's all in the past now and a Story which i can now tell to other young women out there. I don't know how i scaled through but three things kept me
• The Grace of God
• Determination to Birth a beautiful soul, a girl.
• The Joy of being a mother.
The story
My marriage was a blessing to me, I got the man of my dreams. Yes I actually got the man of my dreams cos he matched the description of whom I wanted to get married to. I had had this description of him in mind long before i got married, i even jotted it down and prayed with it. It's a dream come through. As far as I know, all relationships/marriage seem to have their challenges, well mine had it's own.

Two years after marriage and there was no sign of a child, yet. My husband was working in an oil company in the city of port-harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria where he functions as an accountant while I stayed back in Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria where I finished school, infact i have an established business i run inside the school, Imo state university, where i run a cyber cafe. I and my husband were miles apart and i wasn't so ready to move in with him in port-harcourt, i was running a masters program in the school and then his work takes him all over Nigeria. We talk a lot and he comes around most of the time and we do what married people do, at night, lol. I thought it would be easy to get pregnant but it wasn't. Soon my husband became worried and started seeking out a solution, all the doctors he met said we were fine. My nephew told me something quite interesting, he said it may be because we were not yet ready psychologically to have the child or something like that. I wasn't too bothered about the issue but was worried about my husband, he was very disturbed.
"I'm pregnant". These words were the best words my husband had ever heard in his life, I could tell from his reaction. He was full of joy, He'll soon be a father. When the doctor told me of the good news, i was also very glad and heaved a sigh of relief, I'll soon be a mother. I carry this child elegantly for the whole time of inception. To me it wasn't so much of a big deal, like i didn't feel most of the stuff other women said the felt. I just seemed to have an unusual strength and i didn't stop working until 7 months. Even while at home, i still worked with my laptop.
Child delivery day. I didn't expect it to come the way it did. Don't get me wrong, i knew the baby's time was close and had already made all the necessary arrangements for the baby but it came just after me and my husband had just finished a beautiful dance in the Middle of the night. I was rushed to the hospital and the whole world seemed to be shouting 'push'. I did so but no baby was coming out. The doctors then went on to tell my husband something, I can't recall all the medical terms used but i do know that they were trying to say that my vaginal opening was to small for the baby to pass through and they had to do something about it. I think one of the nurses cut me a bit to make way. A bouncing baby girl. I was joyed but in pains. The nurses now needed to stitch the opening and do that fast as i was loosing a lot of blood.
They got the stitching wrong. After all was done, i had my baby, my beautiful girl in my arms and left the hospital with my overjoyed husband by my side. There was joy all over us. Relatives from all corners called to congratulate us and gifts came in abundance. All the joy soon cut short, i collapsed and was rushed back to the hospital, it turned out that the stitches broke and i lost some more blood. I was stitched again and it broke again, ouch. The last time came with a warning though, the flesh had grown thin and weary. I got stitched again and this time was actually the last, hmm. Now I could go home and take care of my baby.
Is breastfeeding that hard? Well i didn't think so, i tried as I've seen other women do, but no milk was coming out coupled with the fact that the hospital issues had weighed me down. I tried all sort of means, traditional and modern but had to settle for some artificial meal for my baby in the end. After a while, the milk started flowing.
My girl is a year and some months old now and she's whole and healthy. I'm really thankful to God for the way things turned out. This has indeed given me a story to tell.
Thanks for reading through, see you next blog.