Controlling Anger !

in hive-188619 •  3 months ago 


You know why anger always comes with the suffix "issues"? Because anger creates loads of issues, from damaging one's personality to shaping someone into an entirely different person not liked by anyone. Even our religion (Islam) has forbidden us to show anger, marking it as Haram (highly forbidden and guilty in the eyes of Allah). I've seen many people lose their relationships, loved ones, careers, and statuses just because of anger. They just can't control it or figure out how to react in these situations.


I'm known as a chill person, but of course, I'm not an angel, and I do have some weak points that trigger my anger. I hate two things that create anger in me: lies and traffic jams! Let's forget lies for now as it's a separate debate. Focusing on traffic problems, just thinking about it gets on my nerves. Karachi is the biggest city in Pakistan, and being the main city, it's quite populated, making working hours on weekdays highly crowded on main connecting roads.


Let me tell you a short background story. My college was 18 km away from my home. At that time, I had back-to-back classes. My routine was a mess; I used to leave home at 7:20 am to attend a class at 8:30 am, and boom! It was very rare that I reached on time. I was always late, and you know why. Then I had my coaching classes at 3:30 pm, and again, boom! I was always late for coaching too. Although I left home at about 2:45 pm (keeping in mind I came back home at 2:10-2:20 pm from college), you better know the reason why.

We changed our home to a nearer place after 1 year so that I would suffer less. It worked for 1 year, and my suffering started again when I got into university. Now my university is 22 km away from my home.

Now, the current story! I used the university's own shuttles in my 1st and 2nd year of med school, but that was no less than a trauma. Frequent breakdowns, tire bursts, engine failures, unexpected late arrivals making me wait in scorching heat (Ahhh! I don't want to remember those extremely worst days), and of course, daily traffic jams got on my nerves. I started getting angry, even had quarrels and fights with the driver and co-passengers. I somehow managed those 2 years, but why did I suffer traffic jams every day? Why did I pay money for frequent delays? Why couldn't I even get a seat despite paying a handsome amount? Why did I reach home at 4:30 pm every day when the shuttle left at 3:00 pm from uni? Why was I choosing to suffer? Why was I fueling my anger every day?


Then finally, I decided to buy my bike and travel on my own. And you know what? Now I bypass traffic jams by navigating through small spaces, I reach home quite early, like at 3:30 pm. I can speed up or slow down my pace according to my mood. I'm my own boss. There's no one to make me angry, no traffic jam to make me swear, no co-passenger fights, no long waits in the scorching heat. There's no pressure to be aggressively angry at the most triggering factor!

I'm enjoying my 100cc life. I'm enjoying my traffic-free 100cc life. I'm enjoying my anger-free 100cc life!


In the end, I would say, what I’ve learned is that sometimes the best way to control anger is to find solutions that minimize the triggers for it. For me, getting a motorcycle was a game changer. It not only saved me from the daily frustrations of traffic jams, saved a quite lot time but also gave me the freedom to move at my own pace and place. Anger can consume us if we let it but finding practical ways to manage our environment and responses can make a huge difference. Now, I feel more at peace and in control, enjoying my rides and an anger-free life. Remember, controlling anger starts with understanding what triggers it and taking proactive steps to manage those triggers. Here's to a calmer, happier life!

I invite @kinzaghauri , @adelijose and @huzaifanaveed1 to share what makes them angry.


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The only thing that makes me angry these days is you not putting away the dishes and then complaining about them not being clean.

But never mind, will also do a full-fledged post on this, I have a lot to rant about this xD


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