SEC S10W3: Sweets of the world

in hive-188619 •  last year 

Greetings Steemians!
Sweet is something that has a pleasant taste and high sugar content like in form of sugar, candy, honey, syrup or saccharine.
Sweet makes one happy when consumed, it also make someone feel relaxed, focused, motivated and decreases the risk of heart attack and stroke example; dark chocolate.
Apart from having some good benefits, it also has negative effects which is mostly on children. When sweets are stuck on teeth, it leads to tooth decay.

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There are various sweets here in my country (Nigeria) which are very popular. I will list just few here; Choco Milo, butter mint, lollipop, Tom-Tom, splash, Kona cafe, Parago, milkose and eclairs.

The sweet/candy listed above are the most popular in Nigeria. These sweet has been in Nigeria for ages now but most of them ( choco Milo and lollipop) were rebranded.

Some of these sweet reminds me of my childhood.

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When I was younger milkose, Paragon, Choco milo and lollipop were my favourite and they remind me of my childhood each time I come across them.

Sweets are accessible near my residence. Every mini shop around here sells sweet and all are affordable depending on the quality you want.

The least you can get sweet here is from #20 ( 0.14 steem) upward. They are sweet that are being sold at #50 each in my local currency which is (0.385 steem).
Sweets are of various type , quality and taste so as the price.

Here's the sweet I acquired and why I like it and how often I consume it

IMG_20230620_204407.jpgpin pop sweet purchased at #50 (0.385 steem)

This is Pin Pop sweet, it is one of my best sweet for now. I like it because it's long-lasting when consuming and there is also a bubblegum inside which gives excitement at the end.
Pin pop sweet is hard flavor mixed with bubble gum which comes with different flavour like; orange, strawberry, apple grapes, pineapple and watermelon.

IMG_20230620_204453.jpg I love watermelon flavour of pin pop sweet

I enjoy consuming watermelon flavour more especially when I'm relaxing or busy with work.
It keeps me motivated while working.

I would like to invite @pandora2010, @ruthjoe @mvchacin to join the contest. Thank you!

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Hola amiga!

Las chupetas son deliciosas, en todos los países soy muy comunes estas golosinas, y hay de varios sabores y marcas, a mi gustan también porque tienen chicle y son económicas.

Fue un placer leer tu participación.

Ese pin pop es muy delicioso, en Venezuela, se conoce como chupeta y existen varias marcas, me gusta mucho y sobre todo cuando llegó al chicle jejeje...


¡Saludos amiga!😊

Podemos decir que las chupetas son un clásico de las golosinas universales y, son tan atractivas para el amante del dulce que, incluso existen las artesanales. Tengo un amigo que hace unas de coco con papelón y de acuerdo a lo que dicen quienes las comen, son muy deliciosas.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica. Un fuerte abrazo💚