RE: The Diary Game [14/06/24] : Blogear en steemit y explorar algunas aplicaciones

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The Diary Game [14/06/24] : Blogear en steemit y explorar algunas aplicaciones

in hive-188619 •  6 days ago 

Of course, when we get free from our work, we check the notifications on Steemit to see what votes we got and what comments we got. You clicked a lot of pictures with your neighbor's shirt. When your neighbor sees it, he will know that his shirt has gone viral. hahaha

Of course, everyone is working hard these days to generate income. Achieve success.

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Yes I always get excited each time am off steemit for a very long time and I come back to check for new notifications.

My neighbor's shirt is the one on the rope, the one I wore is mine.

Thank you so much for replying saintkelvin 👍
