Overcoming fear

in hive-188619 •  9 months ago 
What is your biggest fear in life?


Fear is common human behavior, one that make our actions, decisions making, and even, our lives. Exploring and knowing our fears can be a tough but a very interesting process. For someone the greatest fear is the fear of failure, for someone the fear of the unknown or the fear of being judged by others. These type of fears can be seen in different ways, influencing our actions and limiting our strength.

If I have to talk about my fear I would say I am too much afraid of spiders. I have a kind of spider phobia.

Represent your greatest fear literally or abstractly in an artistic expression or photograph (step by step sample)


When I see the spider anywhere like home, market, Masjid, or university I'm literally being scared and freezed. My body getting hanged and stuck in anyway. Feeling embraced, sweating and can't doing anything in any situation when I see the spider. It is very difficult when I'm with my family members or close friends, even in my occupational or educational settings. I'm being ashamed to see the spider near to me and asking for help from anyone roaming around. I think it is hard and difficult to get rid of it. last time in market my condition was severe during the shopping when I see a spider near to clothes and shirts shelve.

Do you have any phobias?


Phobias are severe and irrational fears of specific things or situations. There are so many types of phobias but very common phobias include arachnophobia (fear of spiders which I have and I mentioned earlier), acrophobia, and claustrophobia. Any type of fears can severely impact occupational, educational and family life. It is often needed professional help and psychological intervention to manage any type of phobia.

How do you motivate yourself to overcome fear?

Pushing oneself to get rid of fear involves insight of individual, resilience, and strategic behaviors and thoughts. There are few intervention to help confront and get rid of fear:

  1. Insight the Fear: Recognition and acceptance of your fear without any hassle. Recognizing its deep roots and triggers is the essential step toward overcoming any phobia.
  2. Educate individual: Knowledge is a very powerful intervention for overcome any phobia or fear. individual can learn about their fears and they can reduce its power over him.
  3. Exposure: Face your phobia slowly through controlled exposure. For example, if you have a social phobia, initiate talking to small groups of people and slowly start the speaking to large group of people.
  4. Positive Imagination: Imagine yourself to get rid of your phobia. Imagination intervention can build your confidence and reduce your fear.
  5. Seeking Help: Roam around with positive and helpful people who encourage you and motivate you. In some cases, professional help from a psychologist or therapist is necessary to identify severe phobia.

I would like to invite @goodybest, @ripon0630, @beemengine to participate in this contest.

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Wow, you wrote quite well dear friend, especially with the tips of dealing with fear. Fear is a normal phenomenon in our daily lives but we can conquer it by seeking the help of a therapist, taking to a trusted person, education and exposure.