Contest || December Days 🍁.

in hive-188619 •  4 months ago 

Hello Everyone.

Am @meehu.
From Pakistan🇵🇰.
Today, am here to take part in this contest.

So let's start.


“Was November as you expected?”

As for the November, it was pretty much the same as I thought, with a little bit of an ups and downs every month. There was a lot of work in my busy life, a lot of work that I had to complete, so the november was quite long,longer than the rest of the months.I don't know if you all feel the same way or not, it just seems to me that the number was long enough because after Namor it's December and everyone waits for December. I'm one of those people who I'm so excited to decorate for Christmas, so November seemed long to me because I wanted to decorate my house as soon as possible.


“Is December a month that makes you feel nostalgic, happy, or a combination of both?.”

Yes of course December is one of the best it is also called Festival month in my family because it brings you the joys of Christmas, you also have winter holidays and December ends with a new year. So I think it's wrong to say that it's only a month of happiness or only a month of sadness because it's a mixed combination month. There are also those who Some relationships are lost, some old things are left, many things are happened this month of December and yes it is very beautiful month.


“Are there any dates this month that are special to you?”

Yes, as I have said before that I am very excited for Christmas. I have been very excited for Christmas since I was a child. Because I love to decorate the house so for me December 25th is the best day because on that day I am well and on 25th 26th we have many plans we always try to 25 On the first day we stay at home and welcome everyone and have a nice dinner together but on the 26th we go out with our family so we can celebrate a good day out with the family.



“.Do you have expectations, goals, plans outlined for this last month of the year to achieve?”

This month is goals free maybe i didn't had any left in because the whole year was almost to complete the goals, I have completed my goals to a great extent, but the expectation if we talk about it because it is the end of the year. It's a last month and now I want this month to pass well, peacefully and I start the new year with happy heart and wrap up the old year with beautiful memories.


“What is Christmas Day like in your home? What do you usually do: eat, drink, etc?.”

Christmas is very excited, we all are very excited since its night, all of us brothers and sisters are busy in our preparations and we can't sleep properly because Maybe because we are very excited for the next day, we wake up in the morning and get ready and then we attend church We cook a nice meal because I think it is very important to eat well.Because on the occasion of Christmas in our house we cook very good food and our mother cooks delicious meal .


Thanks for visiting my post.

I would like to invite my friends.




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