SEC S10-W1: A gift to myself.

in hive-188619 •  2 years ago  (edited)

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What you buy for yourself is what you stand to enjoy in the millions of wealth you may have on earth, what are you planning to get for yourself? You will love to see the gift I intend to buy for myself and the reason why, below is my entry on the topic " A Gift to Myself" contest by Latino Community in the SEC S10-W1.

What gift would you give yourself?


One gift I want to give to myself now is a Car. I always wish to have my car to be traveling and driving myself to work to every place I wish to be going.

The most common means of transportation in this part of the world is road transport, using public transport sometimes is risky and annoying, the best gift I need for myself now is a car which I am very sure will help me in a lot of ways.

Would having it make your life easier? Tell us the reason.

Yeah. It will help me in a lot of ways. In Nigeria, the cost of Petrol (PMS) has recently been increasing because of the removal of subsidies by the government, and the cost of using a public transport system has drastically increased, Having my car will help me save cost for transportation.

It guarantees safety while traveling, if I am the one driving, I will be very careful while driving and drive at an average speed, which is better than using a public vehicle that runs on the highways putting passengers' lives at risk.

I will also have the opportunity to cover more activities because I can go anywhere at any time, I will get to my destination faster and no more lateness at my working place. These are a few among many more reasons I need to buy a car for myself.

How much does this gift cost in your country? You can take the local Currency and transform it to steem.

It depends on the kind of car I want to purchase, but the car I want to purchase for myself is a TOYOTA COROLLA LE Which the London used last market value price cost 3 Million Equivalent to 20000 Steem.

Does Steemit help you save for what you want so much?

Yes. Steem helps me to save for that, steemit helps me to cover some little expenses which that will increase my savings to be able to buy that precious gift for myself.

For instance, The reward of TRX helps with some minor expenses, like Data subscriptions and some petty expenses. I don't use my savings for petty expenses therefore that help to boost my saving for bigger plans in the future.

What other gifts have you given yourself before?

I have never stopped buying gifts for myself and I have bought a lot of gifts for myself over the years, I bought shoes, dresses, phones, and lots more.

Among all the gifts I have ever bought for myself, the one I cherish so much and which has been so helpful is the Bible. I use it almost every day since I bought it, its content is a million times more than it worth.


It is very important we learned to appreciate ourselves because the gift we buy for ourselves is what we stand to enjoy among the millions of wealth we may have. When we die, everything we have or save is all vanity, Remember, You only live once so always buy a gift for yourself. O wish yo invite @bensam2040 @josepha @ishayachris

Thank you for reading.


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Saludos estimado amigo excelente entrada, me gusto mucho tu conclusión, solo se vive una vez y es ideal llenarnos de regalos que merecemos por ser luchadores incansables en nuestra vida. Saludos y Bendiciones!!

Thank you for the comment. We being the tireless fighters deserve the best. We work, we create value to ourself and always apprecaite our self aswell.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


Your gift 📦 are previous most especially the bible no gift matches the word of God.