Contest:||Overcome Fear||

in hive-188619 •  4 months ago 
Hello 👋 Comunidad Latina

I'm fine and hope all my Steemain 💕 are fine too. Iam going to taking part in this community @Comunidad Latina. The theme of the contest:Overcome Fear . This contest organised by @cotina

What is your biggest fear in life?



  • My greatest fear in life is about my future life. I want to live a life that is full of happiness and calm.The future is a source of great fear for me as people get married wanting to see the potential in their life partner that will be a source of pride and comfort for them.

But I have seen many such situations with my own eyes, people get married but cannot achieve this great happiness.I want to share with you all a fear that is causing fear in my future. My sister got married and got divorced after two years.His happy life was ruined.

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Real Image by my phone 📱

He has a daughter whose birthday we celebrated last night,5-6-2024.But this happiness of this girl and her mother was incomplete because neither her father nor her grandparents were with her. This is the main reason for my fear.

Represent your greatest fear literally or abstractly in an artistic expression or photograph (step by step sample)

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Now there are no such situations that I should be afraid, but in my childhood, a cat accidentally got locked in our room and gave birth there.Little did I know, as soon as I opened the door, she pounced on me, her claws hit me hard and she bit me.From then until today, the fear of that cat has been haunting me, as if I see it, I get scared and scared.

Do you have any phobias?
  • Yes, I suffer from phobia since childhood.Once we all went on a trip to the river Sutlej together,So there was quite a crowd of people there.Many people had come for a walk, we walked around the bridge,When I went there, I saw that some people were crying, so I asked them why they were crying, and they told me that a 17-year-old boy had jumped into the water.



As soon as I heard this, fear of water settled in my mind and since then I am very afraid of water. As soon as I see more water, I feel like I'm going to fall into it and die,This illusion has been instilled in me since childhood which has turned into a phobia.

How do you motivate yourself to overcome fear?

To overcome this fear, we must first prepare ourselves to face the object repeatedly,Then, by going, his fear can end and his life can be dynamic.As I have a phobia of water, I am afraid of drowning even while taking a bath,Don't let me dive.



  • To overcome this I face the water again and again so that I can get out of this fear and have a good life.To get out of such fear, we have to believe in ourselves, strengthen ourselves, even then we can get out of this fear.
Thanks to All Steemain
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  ·  4 months ago 
  ·  4 months ago 

Hola amiga el miedo todas sus manifestaciones forma parte inherente de nuestras experiencias en la vida

En la vida el futuro y lo que vaya a ocurrir es incierto, pues no sabemos a ciencia que deparara la vida, lo cierto es que hay que dibujarlo en nuestra mentes con o mas hermosos pensamientos llenarlos de los mas preciosos colores de vida y esperanza.

En cuanto a matrimonio , te puedo decir con propiedad absoluta y por el hecho de estar a punto de cumplir 41 dentro de 6 meses y 17 días 41 años de enlace nupcial con mi esposo y compartir mas de un tercio de mi vida, que estese construye entre dos con todos sus momentos, como se dice unas son de cal y otros mementos son de arena para ir madurando y avanzando en la vida en pareja, y lo mas importante es que nosotras como mujeres somos las mas idóneas para la edificación y consolidar los cimientos firmes en nuestro hogar y como herramienta utilizar los principios y valores que imperaran desde que se inicia la relación y el pegamento mas fuerte en todo esto es una acertada y efectiva comunicación que es una gran fortaleza dentro de una pareja y sobre todo el no admitir por ningún motivo la interferencia de terceros en la vida marital.

Saludos cordiales y espero tengas mucho éxito en poder superar y disipar tus miedos

  ·  4 months ago 

Hola amiga @mona01 , muchas veces pensamos que vamos a fracasar, separando nuestras vidas de personas que nos hacen infelices, pero no es así, el fracaso está es en quedarse al lado de alguien con el cual no se puede convivir.

Ojalá tu hermana pueda tener una buena relación con el papá de tu sobrina, porque ya no sería por ella, sino por el bienestar emocional de la niña.

Pobrecita, esa gata estaba recién parida y pues tu no sabías nada, solo se sintió amenazada porque pensó que le podías quitar a sus gatitos 😥...

Superar nuestros miedos, es lo mismo a enfrentarlos y llenarnos de mente positiva amiga, claro que sí!!!!

Saludos y éxitos!!!!!

Wow dear friend, what an implict article you have here indeed everyone must have felt feeling of fear especially the fear of failure but don't worry almighty is always with his children.

Hola apreciada amiga. Es normal que sientas temor al fracaso matrimonial, ya que son hechos muy traumáticos sin embargo Si en algo te puede servirme consejo te digo que lo mejor para afrontar ese miedo al fracaso matrimonial es empezar a entender que así como todo en nuestra vida se muere incluyéndonos a nosotros también se muere el amor en la pareja Y en lugar de aceptarlo a la persona empiezan a buscar culpables es necesario para tener una pareja dos grandes momentos el primero saber elegir a la pareja y que nosotros también seamos idóneos para ella y el segundo aspecto es el que te mencioné anteriormente de comprender y aceptar que en algún momento el amor puede fallar y se puede morir. Te deseo éxito y bendiciones.

Most times I usually wonder if my future will be bright with the kind of hardwork I'm investing, but we ought to be positive at altimes. I'm very scared of marrying wrong with the way most marriages turns out. I pray we all marry right. Nice post dear friend, I wish you the very best in this contest.