Spreading joy

in hive-188619 •  19 days ago  (edited)

Asslam o alaikum Everyone

How are you friends? I hope you will be ok. This is me @mubashara from Pakistan. Now it is another amazing contest in this beautiful community. Now I'm going to be a part of that challenge and I hope you will enjoy reading my post.

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What has made you happy today?

The most exciting thing that happens today and make me happy is that when I visit my ward of Neuro rehabilitation the patient I was dealing from to weeks who is suffering from stroke, I see her increase range of motion and increase bed mobility and my professor appreciated me on my efforts that I had done on that patient from last to weeks because I was performing all the passive range of motion and doing chest physical therapy along with bed positioning so that no ulcers will develop. And today we see her I major difference in rehabilitation and she was able to move his hand fingers and wrist at minor degrees, And when my professor appreciated me this is the most happiest thing that happened today.

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It's unethical to take a picture of patient in such phase and also she didn't give consent that's why I'm posting picture of her bedside.

Do you think that there is more pain or more joy in life?

I think according to my opinions that are human suffer more with pain and other than joy and always Joy comes after the pain, nothing is easier in this world we have to go with a lot of struggles and every human have to do all his struggles by its own it's not just only humans also the animals and the other things that are surviving in the world struggling in the sense that we can say in the sense of food shelter and other requirements for the daily needs that are both for humans and animals.

When we work hard and then we get a particular thing such as food when I am in work all the to just full fill his abdomen and when food goes into his mouth and that was the real Joy when it came. So for me everyone suffers with pain first pain in the sense heart shape and struggling and then Joy games in the form of fruit of that hard work.

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Do you normally talk more about your problems or your joys? Can you share with us a moment when you felt that emotion.

I normally talk more about my problems my friends and family used to say that do not discussed your problems too much because when you think about anything a lot then same things happened with you if you attract negative energy and think about negative things then that see in negative things happens to you, and I felt this thing very deeply when I was seeing ab patient last year in CCU she was on last stage of the disease.

When ever I see her I used to think that she will be no more with us any time soon I don't know why this thing in my mind as a doctor but my sense of humour always says that that she is not going to be fine. And exactly the same things happened when I go to the CCU you next day to see that patient then the receptionist told me that the patient was expired last night and I was shock and felt this emotion that why I think so negative and I give blame to myself but then my friends give me sympathy by saying that everything is happens for a reason and the death is in hand of Allah Almighty this was not my fault at all but I felt this emotion at that time we deeply.

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Do you consider yourself a happy person who spreads that beautiful energy to others?
| ---| Yes I consider myself a happy person because as a doctor and a medical practitioner I see a lot of patients in the hospital and I treat them and relieve them from the pain and from the disease the are suffering from and then I they were very happy with their health and they also give me a lot of prayers and sometimes gift so this prove that I am positive person who spread good energy to others and working all day in the ward, and seeing all those sad faces with the disease and so much pain and when anyone he use the smile at games on her face and all the periods that are coming from their mouth and the heart is just wins my heart.

Being a doctor is not easy because there are a lot of force that a patient makes from the doctor and we have the satisfy them and full fur their needs I work hard a lot everyday in the hospital and I work around 8 hours per day and which I have to spend 3 hours in the world and 6 to 7 hours in the OPD where the walking patients came and I see them Thor early and then read them this makes me very tired but when the patient games with the good result at next day all my hard work is of and this is the way I am spreading happiness and will be keeps spreading happiness in future.

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Now I want to invite my friends @suboohi, @sualeha, @abdul-rakib and @patjewell to take a part in amazing challenge.

Regards @mubashara

Dr.Mubashara Ali PT CPPT certified.png
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Of course, if we keep discussing our problems all day, then we will neither have time nor new ideas to think about new things and solutions to problems. I believe that instead of discussing problems too much, we should discuss solutions to problems. Your professor praised you for your work. This is a matter of great joy. I think this must have increased your enthusiasm a lot. It is a matter of great joy when we get praise for our work. This means that we are working in the right direction. Be happy and keep moving forward like this.

Thank you so much for reading my post.

Hello @mubashara thanks for sharing your best experiences with us, I get to know that the most happiest thing that decided to put a smile on your face was that you were able to visit your patient who was suffering from two Weeks strokes and you actually see her increasing to the stage of mobility, I really appreciate the fact that you've really like the profession in which you're dealing with and your effort was also appreciated by the patient which actually means that you are very good in treating the sick, I can also see some of the medical equipments in the laboratory in which you've also decided to share with us. Doctor is also one of my best profession in which I likes most and I'm still hoping to become it one day due to my hard work towards this I will surely reach my goal target. You've really took out time to write this contest to the best of our satisfaction I really likes the profession in which you decided to choose I'm wishing you all the best of luck to continue with this good profession I wish you all the best in this contest challenge.
Best regards 😊.

Thank you for your appreciation.

Hello dear @mubashara hope you are having a good day great to read about your day at the neuro rehab ward and seing your patient's progress and getting praised by your professor must have been really rewarding you did well .so keep spreading positivity,wish you success 💖 🤗 🌸 💐 🌺.