SEC S4-W2 | Jasuke, My Favorite Breakfast | by @nadiaturrina

in hive-188619 •  2 years ago 

What is your favorite breakfast?

Generally, Indonesian people have breakfast with rice. Various kinds of breakfast preparations sourced from rice are presented on the shelves of restaurants such as Lontong, Nasi Lemak, Nasi Guri, Nasi Kuning, and sticky rice. All of them have the basic ingredients of rice. But there are also some areas in Indonesia where the population consumes corn and sweet potatoes.


In my area, sweet potatoes are not a staple food. It is a dessert or just a snack to prevent hunger before mealtime. Because most people seem as if they haven't had breakfast if they haven't had breakfast with rice. But I don't, corn can be a staple for me too.

In the past, serving corn only went through the boiling process. Then cut into pieces, sprinkle with grated coconut, salt, and sugar, then stir. Over time, corn is processed in such a way with extraordinary taste as well. The Jasuke's cake for example. It is a food consisting of three basic ingredients of corn, milk, and cheese.


Do you want to know how to serve Jasuke? Let's follow this discussion to the end!

What ingredients does it include?


  1. Corn
  2. Milk
  3. Cheese
  4. Salt

How to serve it:

  • 1. Turn on the gas compost and boil the corn first until it is cooked. And pour the salt


  • 2. After the corn is cooked. Let it cool.


  • 3. Then slice with a knife.

  • 4. After everything is sliced. Then slice the cheese on top.


  • 5. Pour the milk.


  • 6. Stir until evenly.


  • 7. Done.


What time do you have breakfast? And who prepares it?

I usually have breakfast from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. I never leave breakfast. I was once convicted of gastric disease. And the doctor advised me to always have breakfast and not to let my stomach empty for a long time. At night we eat nothing for eight to ten hours. Therefore it is very logical if the doctor recommends that breakfast should not be left alone.

In my house, there are three great women, my mother, my sister, and me. We share tasks. My mother and I prepare breakfast every morning. My sister can't do it. She has to work and help her child to go to school on time. He is busy every morning. Except for Sundays and national holidays. He is in charge of preparing the dinner menu.

What are the typical breakfasts in your country?

There are many typical foods in my country. My country is a unitary state. Various tribes, religions, cultures and races are united in one sovereignty. Therefore, there are a lot of typical breakfast foods. The typical breakfast in my country is rice. I conclude that all types of food come from processed rice. That's my typical country breakfast.

Thus my post about my favorite breakfast menu. I invite @parjewell, @huzaifanaveed1, @kouba01, and @oneidaa to participate in this contest. Thanks to the community team for making this contest a success. Thanks to the Steemit team and all Steemian friends who have supported me all this time. I appreciate it.

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  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Se ve delicioso! Parece a un plato que sirven en Colombia y México pero allí no le agregran leche, todo lo contrario, le agregan más queso y chile para que pique jajaja

Me gustaría probarlo aunque no soy muy de lo dulce por la mañana, aquí en Venezuela lo más dulce que llegamos a tener por la mañana son las "Arepas Dulces" las cuales son con "pancita" jajaja porque abomban

Saludos 🤣🥰🥰

️It's okay to eat something sweet in the morning, dear. Because we are a lot of activity and burn fat throughout the day. Let's try it, you won't regret it. Thanks for the support and reading my post, dear.

Tomaré nota de la receta, aunque no podria aguantar la tentación de comer solo la mazorca con sal y mantequilla, es divino

Pero si vale la pena probar algo diferente para desayunar por las mañana 🥰

Sounds great!
I want to taste Arepa. I am on looking for best Arepas's recipe.

Te sorprendería cantidad de sabores que puedes experimentar con esa receta, suerte querida!

Thnaks dear

Amiga no he probado nada parecido antes me encanta el maíz y esta forma de prepararla se ve bastante interesante y deliciosa sin duda en tu país hacen unas comidas que se ven muy llamativas y me gustaría probarlas todas, es interesante conocer más sobre tu cultura espero seguirte leyendo y aprender mucho de Indonesia

It's very delicious
You have to try it

Sin duda alguna el maíz es un alimento muy noble y nutritivos en Venezuela se prepara casi de manera igual, solo que se le agregan varios tipos de quesos y se le llama desgranado. suerte amigo.

Thanks for the support dear

Que ricas recetas podemos realizar con el maíz tierno. 😋


corn is one of the feverate food for me also we are with curry in india two times per day. your breakfast is also looking delicious thanks for sharing with us, stay connected with us.

You are welcome
Thanks for the support

Hi friend.

Wow I was surprised with your breakfast, I have never tried that combination, it looks delicious, I love corn, I would love to try it with cheese and milk.


Let's try it dear

Hola @nadiaturrina 👋

Uy amiga eso se ve delicioso 😋 me encanta el maíz y ahora verlo con queso rallado y leche hace que quiera probar esa ricura 🤤 ya veo porque es tu desayuno favorito.

Mucha suerte, saludos 😘

Sounds great!
You have to try it, dear

Greetings dear friend, this recipe looks delicious and ideal for any occasion, seeing the step by step made me hungry, hahaha. Many successes, hugs from Venezuela.

It's easy to prepare, dear

What a nice post! I absolutely love reading it!
I have never had rice, sweet potato nor corn for breakfast so yah, it was all new to me.
A question, is the milk, sweet milk? Condensed milk as we call it?
I would love to make it for my family.
Ps: Good luck with the contest!

🤤 seperti enak ya kaka

Sarapan yang sangat lezat sayang,
Saya tidak pernah mencoba satu ini, mungkin ini adalah menu sarapan baru yang harus saya coba, apalagi kaya akan nutrisinya, karbohidrat nya juga bisa didapatkan,
Wah, saya merasa ingin mencoba nya segera, resep sederhana namun maknyuss...
Semoga sukses untuk kontesnya

Wow your breakfast looks delicious but looking strange to me ,I will try this your breakfast recipe to have a taste of it one day

The tase is very delicious, deR

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Thanks for the support @fredquantum and team 2
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