SEC S10W1: A gift to myself.

in hive-188619 •  last year  (edited)



It's time to gift myself a wonderful gift that I have desired for a long time. Or better still, it's time to talk about it. As a sporty lady, all I think of is how to get that desired look and thus remain fit. It is not bad to gift oneself at all. After taking care of others, gifting myself is the next. I have thought about so many things I can gift myself, infact, as a human and a mother as well as one who is advancing in age, I have been able to set my mind on something. Just keep reading

What gift would you give yourself?

I am going to gift myself York fitness adjustable 20kg dumbbells set which I found in online market place.
With my regular exercises, it is time for me to start owning these equipments at home so that I can always exercise even while at home. This particular dumbbell is what I need as I can be able to adjust it to what I need and exercise the way I want in order to achieve maximum results.

I can thus perform basic toning body workouts, strength exercises, core fitness and heavy leg lifts at home.

And because it has a case and can easily be carried about, I can as well go out with it or travel with it and still continue my workout wherever I am.

Since I have lost weight the way I want, all I need now is to build muscles, work on my lower body and arms and this particular dumbbell can help me to achieve all of that. It will be nice if I can gift it to myself.

1671259446128.jpgthis is a dumbbell that I am using here
IMG_20230426_070745_093.jpgthis is another type

But I prefer the one I want to gift myself due the fact that it is adjustable and more durable. Someone owns that type in my workout place and and goes with it. I need it.

Would owning it make your life easier? Tell us the reason.

Absolutely! My life will be easier. Each day, I yearn to go out to workout because I can't do it at home the way I should. I don't have any of these equipments at home. You know that to achieve a maximum result, I need to workout with some equipments like the one I want to gift myself.

Additionally, with the increasing cost of transportation cost, I can't be frequenting my workout place, this, needing me to stay back and exercise at home. With this equipment, I will not have to border about going out to spend money on transportation especially for working out.

Do you also know that I can rent it out for use and this make money from it? I can as well be a fitness trainer, thereby making money from it which will make my life easier, lols!😀


Anyone that sees this picture calls me sweet 16, lols! Fitness makes life more enjoyable


How much does this gift cost in your country? You can take the price to steem.

It costs approximately 40000 naira in my country as you can see from the screenshot above. The price tag is 39,999 in my local currency and that is 334 steem.

Does steemit help you save for what you want so much?

Yes, steemit helps me to save up for it. I already took out my savings that I will use for it, I will soon place order for it or check locally to see if I can get it around. I will really like to have it as a gift.

What other gifts have you given yourself before?

My weaving machine that I use for my handkerchief production is a gift I gave myself. I saved up the money from a government program I was fortunate to have. I was given a stipend of 30k (250 steem) monthly and I saved up to be able to buy it, this making my work earlier. Previously, I contract out the weaving and pay large sums for it, thereby making my profits to be minimal. But now, I do it myself and gain all. Amazing! Thanks to this gift that I gave myself.


This is my weaving machine and a pack of handkerchief

Another wonderful gift I gave myself is my washing machine. It is truly a helper to me. I was able to get that gift from an online business I did years back even before I joined steemit. As a mother, a wife and an employee then, I needed something that could assist me with washing and I was glad I could buy it then and till now, it is still helping me with the washing.

I love gifting myself things that will last and that are very useful to be. Because I do receive a lot of gifts from my siblings as the last born of the house, I then go for things that are durable if I want to gift myself just like the one I am about to gift myself now. If you look at the quality, it is something that will last long and it is going to be very useful to me.

I am growing older day by day and with the history of my family who are always victims of born problems when growing old, I want to start early to reduce the effects. And so, that is why I am still exercising even when the reason why I joined the fitness group has been solved.



Thank you so much Comunidad Latina and team for coming up with this amazing contest topic. I this want to call on @mesola @isrealakhere and @drhira to take part. The contest post link here in case you have missed it. Thank you all for reading through.



This is my introductory post here


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My role model you look really stunning in your excercising dumbbell.
I pray that you get a more advanced dumbbell than this one because am seeing the good works of the dumbbell,
The things that men do live both with them and after them.
I also want my own own dumbbell so I can be in shape

  ·  last year (edited)

My baby girl, thank you so much for your nice comment. I will surely get a better dumbbell. Don't worry, yours will come soon. How are you doing?

The things that men do live both with them and after them.

I agree with you. That is why I am not bothered. Jehovah is the ultimate and supreme judge who knows who is doing good or bad. Let's keep moving. Life has more for us than whatever is present

Greeting gorgeous mam,

I am very happy to know that you decided to give a beautiful gift for yourself that is aYork fitness adjustable 20kg dumbbells set,. You are already very slim and fit but still you are doing a lot of work for your fitness as it is very ne necessary for the body work out although you are doing exercise at home. you are really source of inspiration for me specially in regard of fitness I think this is special gift which you will buy very soon for yourself.

Best of luck

  ·  last year (edited)

I am glad you like the gift. Yes, with this gift, I can be able to achieve most of the fitness goals I have set for myself soon. I am really going to get it soon.
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment

Sweet 16! You indeed look not one year older than 16. Well done!
As for your gift and those gifts you gave yourself, it is so important that we "gift" ourselves. We deserve it, and if I look at all the "extras" you have done over the years to get those gifts, it is amazing.
The youth can learn from you.
Good luck with the contest!

Am blushing right now🤦! Thank you so much for your kind and wonderful comment. It is highly appreciated

Haha! Blushing makes you look even more 16! (•ิ‿•ิ)
It looks like I can get some tips from you.

I believe Keeping fit is one of the best gift anyone can give to themselves, and as the saying goes “Health is Wealth”. Please keep it up ma

Thank you so much dear, I will keep it up

Hacer ejercicios es una actividad realmente muy sana 💪 que nose va a permitir mantener un cuerpo de mejor apariencia y más saludable, pero también nos ayuda a liberar una cantidad de hormonas que nos mantienen con la mente sana para hacer el bien, buena actividad para no tener tiempo hacer el mal 😜

  ·  last year (edited)

Evil follows those who do evil and who think evil. Keeping ourselves occupied with something meaningful like exercise helps us understand our limits and remain focused. It is evil to even think that the other person is evil. Am ready right now. Let's do this if you like

One may be bad but think that they are right in everything so it's best to examine our actions and be careful not to act bad.

I am glad it goes for everyone. So lets try to always be good and not bad.

Es cierto, se ha comprobado científicamente que el ejercicio ayuda para eso y más y que se puede vivir muchos años con buena salud si mantenemos una buena rutina diaria de ejércitos .
Y bueno si el mal está latente en el mundo, pero no es malo decir que alguien es malo cuando se tienen pruebas de lo que ha hecho, aunque es muy animador cuando los malos se arrepienten de lo que hicieron y devuelven lo que no es suyo en tal caso pues . Pero la vida se encarga muchas veces de hacer salir a la luz todo mal oculto .

Que bueno que te mantienes ejercitándo tu cuerpo eso es SALUD, ojalá y puedas obtener tus mancuernas nuevas .

Porfavor edita tu imagen principal que NO es libre de autor

And good if evil is latent in the world, but it is not bad to say that someone is bad when there is proof of what they have done, although it is very encouraging when the bad guys regret what they did and return what is not theirs in that case then

Jesus Christ talked about the rafter in ones eye. This means that all of are are not doing good if now there will be no need for God's kingdom. That alone should humble us to keep our part clean. If you have been taken what is not yours, perhaps you can return it to the owner but as for me, nothing at all have I taken excerpt what I worked for.

Please edit your main image that is NOT copyright free

That is a screenshot and the I acknowledged the company. I don't think it is wrong, or is it included in your rules? Can I see the rule?

Puede que sea una captura de pantalla pero debe colocar el link de la página de donde fue capturada, y tiene que decir libre de derechos de autor.

pero en cuanto a mí, no he tomado nada de lo que trabajé.

No te he acusado de tomar algo 😉 aún no .

I haven't accused you of taking anything 😉 not yet.

Then there was nothing in my publication that linked to the comment you made about evil or taking what does not belong to someone, or is it?

Claro que sí ! Muchas personas usan mal el tiempo para cosas indebidas pero tú lo usas para tus ejercicios y esa es la parte buena, y claro espero que compres tus mancuernas y te des ese regalo con buena plata bien ganada.

Imagínate que he visto videos en internet donde personas le quitan dinero a otros para lograr tener lo que quieren, obviamente eso si es malo, por eso hacer ejercicios además de ser bueno para el cuerpo es bueno para la mente sana porque nos mantiene enfocados en nosotros y en hacer lo bueno .

Que tenga buenas tarde SEÑORA ngoenyi

  ·  last year (edited)

Oh, that's good. You see, it is always good to be explicit when we say things instead of implying them. I am glad you have been able to express yourself in this way. Hope you are also keeping up with your own exercise routine that can help you to only focus on something good having known the benefits of exercises? Or have you stopped?

Do have a good day doo, dear Mrs Mile19

Its a good one. This will help to keep you in good shape and healthy. Thanks for sharing.


Su gguh hadiahnya sangat bermanfaat untuk aktivitas olahraga dan menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Pilihan hadiah yang keren.

Tetap sehat dan sukses untukmu

Sure, it is very useful for sports and that is why I want to gift it to myself. Thank you for your nice comment

Un excelente regalo amiga para seguir manteniéndose en forma lo mejor es estar dispuestos a llegar a un peso deseado para sentirse cómodo seguro que todo lo que se a propuesto lo logrará con mucha disciplina.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Exactly my dear friend. Discipline will help me to achieve it quicker. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment

Start making more money weekly... This is valuable part time work for everyone... The best part ,work from the comfort of your house and get paid from $10k-$20k each week ... Start today and have your first cash at the end of this week...

I believe you have made enough money for yourself from this scam. Please I am not interested. And stop this nonsense. You are a scammer, I wish every user will take note and not fall pray to this cheap scam

Oh wooaao, que regalo más particular y chévere para cuidar de su cuerpo, salud física y mental porque el ejercicio a todo eso ayuda. Éxito con tu regalo y estupenda entrada. Saludos!

Thank you so much. Exercises are good for the health

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @m-fdo, member of team #2 at 40%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 06/07/2023


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