Database management system (DBMS) and its languages

in hive-188619 •  6 months ago 

Database management system (DBMS) and its languages.

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Data is the building block of computer input that serves as the foundation of a database which is an organized collection of a structured Information typically stored electronically in the computer system. This database is controlled by the DBMS (Database management system) and I will be writing on it today.

The term DBMS is refered to as a software that allows the creation, definition, manipulation and control of data stored in the database. Actually, database management system makes operation performed on the database easier by storing data in a way that its retrieval and manipulation can be easily done to produce information.

These DBMS are usually used in Airlines for reservations, schedules, Universities for registration, results, grades of both students and staffs, Banking for performing of all banking transactions, Telecommunications for recording of calls made, customer details, network usage, and in businesses for recording of products, purchases, customers.

On daily basis we make use of language to communicate with each other, likewise in the data world DBMS administrators makes use of structured query language (SQL), php, c#, R and python languages to communicate and control data in the database.

In ancient times, data are usually stored in file format which makes it prone to fire accident, lost, inconsistency, corruption etc but the new Concept of electronically storing data in computer makes it possible to overcome the deficiencies in file format system.

DBMS has some characteristics over the traditional method of file format which includes.


The term ACID refers to the concepts of Atomicity which refers to property in DBMS that states a transaction in database must be executed as a whole and not partially completed which means a transaction must be treated as an atomic unit, Consistency this refers the consistency in users view of data in the database, including the visible changes made in transaction by a user and other users, Isolation this refers to the property that ascertains how visible changes made by an operation becomes noticed or visible by the concurrent users, and lastly Durability this refers to how well data is protected from lost or corruption.

Less redundancy:

DBMS follows the rules of normalization, which helps in avoiding the repetition of values in the database

Multiuser and Concurrent Access:

DBMS supports multi-user environment and allows them to access and manipulate unrestricted data item of which they're unaware of simultaneously.

Query Language Traditionally in file format system querying is not possible but the new Concept of DBMS is equipped with query language that makes retrieval and manipulation of data done efficiently and easily.

In the new Concept of creating, manipulating and controlling data in the database the DBMS makes use of the following languages to create, manipulate and control data they include;

Data Definition language:

this set of language allows the use create, alter, truncate, comment, rename and drop command in the database, generally the DDL allows us to modify and define the structure or rearrange data firstly in the database, it allows us to define how we want our database to look like.

Data manipulation language (DML):

this set of language allows the use of delete, insert, select, update, merge, call and explain plan command in the database, and generally the DML allows us to access and manipulate data already stored in existing schema objects. Here, the database has been create but administrator can modify or make changes to the already existing data in the database

Data control language (DCL):

this set of language allows the use of grant and revoke command in the database, and generally the DCL is use to control the user privileges in the database system, it is a transactional command that can restrict and allow users authorization when need be.

Transaction control language (TCL):

this set of language allows the use of commit, rollback, save point, and auto commit command in the database system, generally the TCL is used to keep a check on other commands and transactions with their effects on the database. These transactions are within the database.


In traditional method of storing data which is the file format system, lost, corruption and manipulation and fire outbreak seems to pose a threat to the system and the new Concept which is DBMS eradicates the system by electronically stores data and removed the deficiencies found the traditional method.

Also to note recent organizations makes use of database for easy retrieval and access to information so to say companies, school, businesses uses database to store there daily transaction or keep records of what is been done for due efficiency of the system.



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