Overcome fear

in hive-188619 •  9 months ago 

Assalam O alaikum.

I hope my all steemit fallow are good I am excited to particpate in this contest and shared my experience with overcoming fears. Like many people I have my own set of fear that challenges me daily. Through this post my aim to expres my biggest fear and the step I toke to conquer them. By sharing my story I hope to inspire other who might be strugglng with similar fears.

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My Biggest Fear: Heights

My biggest fear is height
. The thought of being high up make my heart race and my palm sweat. When I look down from a tall building and even a high staircase I feel scare and dizzy. That fear can be very limitng preventing me from enjoying many activitie and experience.



To visualize this fear I creat a sketch. In my sketch there is a tall building with a person standing on top. The person look tiny and vulnrable against vast sky and the height of the building. The sketch show the overwhlming nature of my fear and how small and powerles it make me feel.



Phobia of Traffic

In addition to my fear of height I also have a phobia of traffic. Being in a busy place with many cars especally during rush hour make me very anxious. The noise the congestion and constant movement of vehicle create a sense of chao I find difficult to handle. This phobia can make commuting or even simple erands extremely stresful.



Overcoming these fears not easy but I am determined to face them head-on. Here are the step I take to motivate myself and gradualy conquer my fear:

  1. Acknowledge the Fear: The first step in overcoming any fear is to acknowledge it. I accept that I am afraid of height and traffic. By admiting this to myself I can start working on solution.

  2. Understand the Fear: I try to understand why I am afraid. For height I realize that it the fear of falling and losing control. For traffic it the fear of accident and the overwhlming sensory input. Understanding the root causes help me address them more effectively.

  3. Gradual Exposure: I expose myself to my fear gradualy. For height I start with lower height and slowly move to higher one. For example I might begin by standing on a small stool then progress to a ladder and eventualy a tall building. Each step help me build confidence.

  4. Deep Breathing and Relaxating Techniques: When I feels anxious I use deep breathing exercise to calm myself. i inhale deeply hold my breath for a few second and then exhale slow. This helps reduced my anxiety and makes me feel more in control.

  5. Positive Affirmations: I use positive affrmation to bost my confidence. I tell myself "I am strong " "I can handle this " and "I am in control." These affirmationsl helps shift my mindset from fear to empowerment.

  6. Plan and Prepare: For my trafic phobia I plan my trip carefuly. I avoid rush hour and choose route with less traffic. I also make sure my vehicles is good condition to reduce the risk of breakdown. Having a plan help me feel more secures.

  7. Seek Support: I talk to friend and family about my fear. Their support and encouragements give me strength. Sometime having a trustel person with me during challnging situation can make a big difference.

  8. Celebrate Small Victories: I celebrate every small victory. Each time I face my fear and succeed no matter how minor the achievements I acknowledge it and feels proud of myself. These small success build my confidence and motivate me to keeps going.

By following these steps I am gradually overcome my fear of height and traffic. It is a slow process but I am making progres every day. I hope my story inspire others to face their fears and take small step towards conquering them.

Thank you for reading my post!

I m inviting @hamzayousafzai @sahine @paholags

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This is a really inspiring post! I admire your courage in facing your fears of heights and traffic. Your detailed steps like gradual exposure and positive affirmations are very helpful and can motivate others dealing with similar challenges.


তাহলে আপনার জন্য উচিত ভুমিতে বসবাস করা। শান্ত শিষ্ট। প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশ, আপনার জন্য ঠিক আছে। কষ্ট করে সিঁড়ি বেয়ে উঠতে হবে না। আবার নিচেও তাকানোর প্রয়োজন হবে না। হাস্যকর হলেও এটা বাস্তব।

ভালো লাগলো পোস্ট টি পড়ে। ভালো থাকবেন। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল। ভালোবাসা নিবেন 🥰💘

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

En una ocasión ví el bloqueo que genera el miedo hacia las alturas y, de verdad que me parece una situación muy complicada porque, en esos nervios hasta se pueden asfixiar. Espero que pronto puedas superar este temor para que no te sientas tan limitada.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚