Coti-Amigo Contest: Week 2 | Talk About Your Pet 🐱🐶🐰 - About Kawinga | By @sandun98

in hive-188619 •  3 years ago 
At our home, we only had cats and dogs as pets. We haven't raised a dog for years because there are enough dogs in our neighborhood. So we had quite a few cats in past years. Nowadays, we have "Kawinga" with us.


We brought Kawinga home just before the COVID-19 breakout. He was a not that great looking kitten when he was brought home. But when the days pass by.. he grew beautiful. and playful too.

At his Small Age..

He liked to play with Broomstick when we're sweeping the floor. He always likes to be touched. But he doesn't like touching his tail. He knows that's a Jewelry for him. Sometimes he bites our hands when we're going to touch his tail. It's only a small touch from its teeth.

Biting My Hand..

Kawinga has this furry tail which most cats haven't. I mean Kawinga is not a cat from a good breed. But he's beautiful than other cats in our area. So, Kawinga became popular around our villagers and also around other cats. Mostly around females.

Sometimes he goes around seeking love. And sometimes he gets into fights with other cats.. it's like Love Quarrels. But sometimes those ends up pretty bad. One time, it took around 6 days to get fully recovered. But he never gave up.

An Injury..

Recently, one of his girls died from an attack of "Palm Civets". So nowadays he mostly stays at home giving us pleasure. Most of his day time, he sleeps in awkward places. Usually he sleeps on our motorbike and that's ok. Then when he gets bored.. he jumps on to the roof of our van and sleeps.

On The Bonnet

When he come down, he comes sliding on the wind screen and on to the bonnet. Then he gets quick access to our kitchen through the window. This is something he usually does these days.

Kawinga likes to be photographed. When I come near him carrying my Smartphone to capture him, he give poses to get a better photo. I think he knows he's beautiful.


The cats before him only lived around a year. It's because of wild animal attacks. But Kawinga.. it's been one and a half years with us. We know he loves us.. We love him.. I hope he last long here with us..

Special thanks goes to @marijeg for organizing This Contest.. I was a bit late to get to know about the contest.. And it's the final few hours of the contest.. But anyway, I invite @dasuni , @anusha96 and @sandu to be aware of upcoming contests of this contest series..

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Hola amigo, que bueno ver tu participación un gusto conocerte , igual a tu mascota. Tienes mucha razón es muy hermoso kawinga, y la cola qué tiene no cualquier gato tiene el privilegio de tenerla, a pesar de no ser de raza, tiene lo suyo jajaja. En esas peleas que se mete por amor, le toca llevar duro, pero se nota que es valiente, a lo mejor los otros gatos salen peor que el. Gracias por contarnos sobre tu mascota. Saludos.

He still fights for love.. even in the middle of our resistance...
Thank you for your appreciation..