SEC18:W5|Controlling anger!

in hive-188619 •  3 months ago 
Greetings, Comunidad Latina

Today, likewise earlier, I anchored to participate in the fifth contest announced POST LINK

As I always follow before commencing,
let me invite three friends to participate in this contest;
They are @piya3, @sampabiswas, and @sualeha.

Take a selfie simulating your angry face and show us.

Let me share with you that most of my pictures are selfies;
because there is no one whom I asked to capture my emotions! Another thing is I can't imitate;
Hence, the images shared captured various situations when I was annoyed and angry.

Even when I feel happy and enjoy any moment while visiting distinct places. I can't pretend all my emotions are natural!

Are you one of the people who get angry easily ?

No! Not really!
But that doesn't mean I am beyond fury;
I have certain limitations, like many others. After all, I am a human being! And most of the time, try to be patient.

In the above, I mentioned three friends among three;
Two friends have been working with me for a long time, and they might give the best feedback about me.

As I cited earlier, we can't judge ourselves! If we want to recognize or rectify,
then we have to have the capability to abide by feedback from those with whom we live and work.

What situations make you lose your calm and get in a bad mood?
  • Lie-
    I can digest bitter truth but can't take a sugar-coated lie and this line;
    I mentioned earlier one of my entries.
    We can win the heart of a human with sugar-coated words;
    but the almighty can read our soul.

Another reason is that lies are incompetent and concealed for a long time!
One day, it will come in front.
That day, we will lose everything we achieved!

In a word, I hate liars!

  • Undisciplined-
    Though I don't have a military background in my personal and professional life, I respect and uphold discipline. In my professional field, I have seen people skillfully occupy positions but don't maintain discipline when it comes to performance;
    They have the bulk of excuses.

I got annoyed and angry to think about those deserving candidates who want to give their best but don't get the opportunity because of these undisciplined people! Until we closely monitor their activities;
we can't recognize them!

  • Disrespectful act(personal and professional) both cases-
    If one can't respect family, friends, and overall career;
    That's the source of our bread and butter;
    Then the almighty will never answer our call! Hence, that's another reason for my anger.
  • Disloyalty-
    When someone shows trust and the other party backstabbed that conviction after achieving a hidden target, that also makes me annoyed and angry.

In my perspective, all the points I mentioned are immoral;
And whoever pursues it will have to face the consequences.
These are the reasons why I yield my temper.

Tell us the last reason that made you angry.

I always believe we must eat that much we can digest! We only take responsibility if we think we can perform! We all have personal issues;

but that shouldn't impact our professional field. Today was the day of art class, and when I saw that without any early information, users were absent! The art teacher came, and after waiting for some time, she exited;

That makes me angry because time is precious for all. She is giving her time to teach something valuable, and wasting someone's time is a sign of reckless behavior!

Do you think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?

Anger has various stages!
When parents scold their children at that time, they show their anger for the betterment of their children.

In the professional field, it's harmful to the person because we belong to various backgrounds;

And so do our upbringings! I already mentioned we all are human beings, and anger is one of the many emotions. If we have control over our anger, then that's good;
Else, it can be harmful.



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@sduttaskitchen, প্রথমেই কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করছি ম্যাম, আমাকে এই প্রতিযোগিতায় আমন্ত্রণ জানানোর জন্য।

আমি আপনার সাথে দীর্ঘদিন ধরেই আছি এবং অনেক কিছুই পেয়েছি যেটা শুধুমাত্র কয়েকটি শব্দ বা বাক্যের মাধ্যমে বললে হয়তো শেষ করা সম্ভব না।

➡️আপনি অনেক ধৈর্য্যশীল একজন মানুষ।
➡️আপনি রাগকে নিয়ন্ত্রন করতে পারেন যেটা একজন মানুষের অন্যতম গুনাবলী ও বটে। এখানে আমি একদমই বিপরীত মেরুর একজন মানুষ। যদিও মাঝেমধ্যেই মনে হয় এটা আর করবো না কিন্তু পরক্ষণেই আবারো আগের মতোই হয়। এটা আমার একটা খারাপ অভ্যাস।

  • আমি উপরেই উল্লেখ করেছি আপনার সম্পর্কে বললে হয়তো কথা শেষ হবে না। এক কথায় আপনি একজন পরিশ্রমী, ধৈর্য্যশীল ও সৎ মানুষ।

আপনার উল্লেখিত প্রত্যেকটি প্রশ্নের উত্তর চমৎকার এবং আমার জন্য দিকনির্দেশনা সরূপ। ধন্যবাদ ম্যাম। আপনার পরবর্তী আকর্ষণীয় লেখা পরিদর্শনের অপেক্ষায় রইলাম।

Leí tu post, y puedo resumir que lo que más te desagrada es la falsedad, quien miente es falso, quien no es leal también es falso, y quien se excusa también lo es.

La amarga verdad se debe tragar rápido, pero la prefiero al dulzor de las mentiras.

Me encantó leerte. Suerte.

You have focused everyone's attention on very important points. I completely agree with you that bitter truth can be digested, but the sweet talk that is done behind someone's back is very painful. That is why sometimes it is necessary to remind the other person of his limits. You have expressed your point of view very clearly and clearly.