I remember that he brought me a simple small all los recuerdo que me trajo una simple bolita pequeña

in hive-188619 •  7 months ago 


Hello everyone, how are you?
Today I was walking to go shopping at a supermarket that is three blocks from my house and I looked at the floor and I saw a little ball as they call it here in Argentina somewhere else I think they call it marbles anyway I see the little ball and the I grabbed it and that little ball brought back memories of when I was little and I played ball with my friends outside in the street. At that time, if I could play in the street, right outside on the sidewalk, there was a place where we would play hole or opi, as we liked. We said when one of your balls hit the other ball and then you had to put them in a hole. If you did, then you won.
I also remembered when we played at school that the most important moment for me was when the bell rang to go out to the yard to play, then we would start playing ball at school on one side of the yard.
It brought back those memories to me, a simple little ball that made me remember the cutest and most innocent thing we were.
There were milk balls, cat's eye, bolon, steel ball, that's what we call them in Argentina.
I had three jars full of balls. It had more than 5,000 balls of all sizes.

Thank you for reading and commenting, I thank you all very much.

En español

holas a todos como estan
hoy iba caminando para ir a comprar a un supermercado que esta a tres cuadra de mi casa y miro para el piso y veo una bolita como se le dice aca en argentina en otro lado creo que se le dicen canicas en fin veo la bolita y la agarro y esa pequeña bolita me trajo recuerdo cuando yo era chiquito y jugaba a la bolita con mis amigos afuera a la calle en ese tiempo si podia jugar a la calle justo afuera en la vereda tenia un lugar que jugabamos al hoyo o al opi como le deciamos cuando una bolita de uno le pegaba a la otra bolita y despues tenia que enbocarlan en un hueco si lo hacias entonces ganabas .
tambien me acorde cuando jugabamos en la escuela que el momento mas importante para mi era cuando tocaba la campana para salir al patio a jugar entonce nos poniamos a jugar a la bolita en la escuela en un costado del patio.
me trajo esos recuerdo un simple bolita pequeña que recuerdo mas lindo e inocente que eramos.
habian bolitas lecheras, ojo de gato, bolon, bolita de acero, asi los llamamos nosotros en Argentina.
yo tenia tres tarro llecho de bolitas tenia mas de 5000 bolitas de todos colores tamaño .

gracias por leer y comentar los agradesco muchos a todos

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