Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W5 | Controlling anger

in hive-188619 •  3 months ago 

Good evening great Latina community, it is my pleasure to participate in this challenge because the topic is something I and everyone else relates with.
As we all know there are many types of human emotions like anger, happiness, sadness, disgust, trust, excitement, surprise, anticipation etc.
Anger is a a very powerful yet complex human emotion that plays a significant role in our emotional system.

It is a natural response to perceived irritation, injustices, or frustrations, and can be manifested in various ways, from mild irritation to intense fury.

Take a selfie simulating your angry face and show us.

For this I will show you three simulations ranging from slightly angry, to angry and furious.

If I am frustrated by something you would likely meet the first guy, if someone does something to me that I do not like especially after repeated warnings then you would see the second guy. The third guy is when I have been pushed to wall and it is bound to turn messy.


Are you one of the people who gets angry easily?

I would not say that I get angry easily but I can say I get angry when I am provoked. And when you see me angry then it means that thing has gotten up to head.
The reason I don't get angry easily is because when I am angry I stutter and as we may know, stutterers have anger issues. So I started working on my anger from a young age so my stuttering will go down and so far I have overcome anger and I have full control over it.

What situations make you lose your calm and get in a bad mood?


Any situation that will make me lose my calm is a serious situation because I am not one to lose my calm easily.
If I tell someone to stop doing a particular thing and they keep repeating it then I would get very angry.
Another situation is if someone tries to embarrass me in public, I am a very introverted type and as such I hate public embarrassments like being shout at or maltreated. My best reaction is to also lose it and go mad at such an individual.

Tell us the last reason that made you angry

The last reason that made me angry was when I read the news of two women who were invited over by a man and he murdered them after harvesting their organs. I was very angry because I did not understand why the ladies took such risk to meet a stranger for just 1 million naira which is about 3300 steem. And to add salt to injury when the culprit was apprehended and was being taken to the country's capital for interrogation, he was killed.

I was so mad, because this was definitely a conspiracy by the higher powers. Small crimes are committed and the culprit are flown to the capital. But this high profile crime was committed and the police decided to travel by road to the capital and guess what, they used the suspect's car and made him drive. At first they said he was trying to escape and he was killed. Next we heard it was vigilantes that killed him.
I got angry because this country behaves like a crime scene, justice for those women have been eluded and many more victims will fall into this evil people's nest.

Do you think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?


Getting angry as I stated in my opening paragraph is a natural phenomena, it is not bad neither is it a negative thing. But what we do when we are angry is what counts as bad or negative.
Anger when managed properly, can motivate us to take action, set boundaries where necessary, and advocate for ourselves, a cause and others. However, uncontrolled anger can lead to harmful and violent behavior, damaging relationships and our own well-being.

This is why when we talk about emotional intelligence it also involves understanding and learning to manage anger. The day I took that picture I was very angry as a neighbour made me upset but I controlled it and went outside to walk and also take some selfies.


I believe that for personal growth and for building strong connections with others, we need to positively manage our anger and one of the ways is by acknowledging and addressing the root causes of our anger, through this we can transform it into a force for positive change and cultivate a more compassionate and empathetic relationship with ourselves and the world around us.

I invite @stef1 @goodybest, @patjewell and @bossj23 to participate in this engagement challenge.

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I won't like but seeing that news really riled me up. I was furious because as a lady I find it condescending that anyone would that to someone. I believe this is a good reason to be angry. I'm one of those people who take deep breaths and it works for me.

It was appealing.. I'm glad taking deep breaths works for you but it doesn't work for me.

Hola @zekanem, un palcer saludarte

Yo pienso también que la ira o el enojo es una respuesta natural ante una sitúacion qué nos afecta, puede ser alguna injusticia u otra situación que nos nos guste en ese momento.

Que horrible lo que nos cuentas de esa situación de injusticia que vivieron esas mujeres que nos mencionas, es tan fuera de lugar que todavía en estos tiempos pasen esas cosas.

Al igual que tu también pienso que enojarse no es que este mal, porque al fin y al cabo es una reacción natural ante una sitúacion qué nos esta afectando y no nos podemos negar a sentir, lo malo esta en no saberse controlar y permitir que esos sentimientos te controlen a ti y lleguen a afectarte tanto a ti como a todo tu entorno.

Te deseo mucho éxito en el desafío. Un abrazo 🤗

You are on point ,for us to have personal growth and build strong connections with others, we need to positively manage our anger and one of the ways is by acknowledging and addressing the root causes of our anger, through this we can transform it into a force for positive change and cultivate a more compassionate and empathetic relationship with ourselves and the world around us.
Best luck in the contest bro 🤝

I really appreciate your comment. Thank you

Arhh I also read that news and I feel sorry for the two ladies. But why would someone who is married be following her friend to meet a man and spend the weekend together. The world is becoming despicable. It is something worth getting angry over.

Thanks for your comment,I guess the economic hardships drove her to prostitution.

@zekanem. What a compelling writeup you've put together. Your reflections on anger resonate deeply, highlighting its complexity and the importance of managing it constructively. The tragic story you shared underscores how unchecked anger and systemic issues can lead to devastating outcomes. Your emphasis on transforming anger into positive action is inspiring. Recognizing and addressing our triggers is crucial for personal growth and fostering empathy. Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece bruh...Thumbs up!

Thanks bro