Trilliums blooming, original haiku and art

in hive-188902 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Inspired form my haiku post 5 years ago I wrote this fresh haiku for you:


Trilliums blooming
No decisions made alone
Spring wind on my cheek


The traditional Japanese Haiku contains 17 syllables in 3 lines.
Usually, a kigo or season word from nature is used. A great haiku will share some kind of insight or revelation. Here are two examples from The essential Haiku by Robert Hass:

Autumn moon-
a small boat
drifting down the tide.

Pissing in the snow
outside my door-
it makes a very straight hole


To my understanding a contemporary haiku in English is a short one to four lined poem. Because the English
language is so different from the Japanese with much longer syllables, 17 syllables is not required.

A fine contemporary haiku could include:

A reference to the season.
Try to capture a moment in time.
Create the feeling of connection to nature.
Capture a glimpse of insight or revelation.

Here are two fine examples from Haiku Mind by Patricia Donegan

on the patio
the afternoon drifts along
with the butterfly


shorter kisses
longer quarrels
winter solstice

Eric Amann

Here are some links for further reading about haiku:

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This white flower is lovely. Great shot! (white flower is my most favorite flower....) ;)