SEC-S18W6 | My Travel Goals in 2024 | [To Jogya While Working] |

in hive-188972 •  3 months ago 

Saya di Puncak Bromo, Jawa Tengah.

My travel goal for 2024 has actually been realized, namely to Mount Bromo. This has been my dream for a long time because there are many destinations that can be visited when you arrive at Mount Bromo which is located in Central Java, Indonesia.

I visited Mount Bromo on May 2 2024. A tourist trip to Mount Bromo requires adequate energy preparation, in addition to preparing costs and transportation well in advance. As a member of the Lhokseumawe City Election Supervisory Board, I am grateful that all travel costs and preparations have been taken care of.

We all just had to leave, a gift that must be grateful for because not many people can enjoy it.

One of the other tourist destinations that I want to visit in 2024 is to visit Jogya. I haven't visited there for a long time, the last time was in 2019. Compared to Bali which is the leading tourist destination in the world, I prefer Jogya which is full of education and culture.

I visited Bali in 2023 and if I remember correctly, I have visited there four or five times.

Where is your travel destination in 2024?

One of the other tourist destinations that I want to visit in 2024 is Jogya. I haven't visited there for a long time, the last time was in 2019. Compared to Bali which is the leading tourist destination in the world, I prefer Jogya which is full of education and culture.

I visited Bali in 2023 and if I remember correctly, I have visited there four or five times.

What kind of travel experience are you planning there?

I want to enjoy the atmosphere in Malioboro and visit Borobudur Temple which is one of the wonders of the world. I have been there several times, but the elegance of Borobudur Temple is not enough to enjoy two or three times.
Apart from that, I want to write poetry in Jogya. I always make time to write wherever I am, including making posts for the Steemit platform.

Are you planning a trip alone or accompanied by a travel companion?

I'm the type of person who doesn't like traveling alone because I like discussing and sharing. So, I hope to have someone to accompany me, two or not suitable travel companions.

If you could invite any Steemian as a travel companion, who would it be?

It's been a long time since I traveled with @zainalbakri. I want to invite him to walk together. Or you can also use @masriadi to condition the journalist to be active again on Steemit. I also invited him to take part in this contest.

One other person, perhaps @el-nailul who was a former tough mountain climber in college. The man is very close to nature so he is a suitable companion for traveling. It's also interesting to read @munaa's story about her travel trip in 2024. Come share….

Share the estimated steem value of the costs required to complete your journey.

How much does it cost to go to Jogya. I tried to find a ticket there from Lhokseumawe by land, then took a plane from Kuala Namu Airport in Medan, transited at Soekarni-Hatta Airport in Jakarta, then continued to Jogya. The costs required include consumption of around IDR 3,500,000 or around 585 #steem at the price at the time I wrote this article, namely IDR 5,983 per #steem.

That's just the cost of the trip back and forth. Plus two nights hotel in Jogya IDR 800,000, meals during the trip IDR 400,000, local transportation IDR 500,000, and souvenirs IDR 450,000, the total is IDR 5,650,000 or around 944 #steem.

So, I have to save around 944 #steem from now on. For this reason, I hope for support from @travelingsteem and the team so that I can make this dream come true in 2024. Instead, I will share travel stories and interesting photos while in Jogya.[]


BW Magma Borobudur_03.jpg

SEC-S18W6 | My Ttravel Destination in 2024 | [Ke Jogya Sambil Bekerja]

Tujuan wisata saya tahun 2024 sebenarnya sudah terwujud, yakni ke Gunung Bromo. Ini mimpi saya sejak lama karena banyak destinasi yang bisa dikunjungi ketika sampai di Gunung Bromo yang terletak di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
Saya berkunjung ke Gunung Bromo pada 2 Mei 2024 lalu. Perjalanan wisata ke Gunung Bromo membutuhkan persiapan tenaga yang memadai, selain persiapan biaya dan transportasi jauh-jauh hari. Sebagai anggota Badan Pengawas Pemilu Kota Lhokseumawe, saya bersyukur karena seluruh biaya dan persiapan perjalanan sudah diurus.
Kami semua hanya tinggal berangkat saja, anugerah yang harus disyukuri karena tidak banyak orang bisa menikmatinya.

Salah satu destinasi wisata lain yang ingin saya kunjungi pada 2024 ini adalah berkunjung ke Jogya. Sudah lama saya tidak berkunjung ke sana, terakhir pada 2019 lalu. Dibandingkan ke Bali yang menjadi destinasi wisata unggulan di dunia, saya lebih memilih Jogya yang sarat dengan edukasi dan budaya.

Ke Bali, saya sudah berkunjung pada 2023 lalu dan kalau tidak salah ingat, saya sudah empat atau lima kali berkunjung ke sana.

Kemana tujuan wisatamu di tahun 2024?

Salah satu destinasi wisata lain yang ingin saya kunjungi pada 2024 ini adalah ke Jogya. Sudah lama saya tidak berkunjung ke sana, terakhir pada 2019 lalu. Dibandingkan ke Bali yang menjadi destinasi wisata unggulan di dunia, saya lebih memilih Jogya yang sarat dengan edukasi dan budaya.

Ke Bali, saya sudah berkunjung pada 2023 lalu dan kalau tidak salah ingat, saya sudah empat atau lima kali berkunjung ke sana.

Pengalaman perjalanan seperti apa yang Anda rencanakan di sana?

Saya ingin menikmati suasana di Malioboro dan berkunjung ke Candi Borobudur yang menjadi salah satu keajaiban dunia. Saya sudah pernah ke sana beberapa kali, tapi keanggunan Candi Borobudur memang tidak tidak cukup dinikmati dua atau tiga kali.
Selain itu, saya ingin menulis puisi di Jogya. Saya selalu sempatkan menulis di mana pun berada, termasuk membuat postingan untuk platform Steemit.

Apakah Anda merencanakan perjalanan sendirian atau ditemani teman perjalanan?

Saya tipe orang yang tidak menyukai perjalanan sendirian karena saya suka berdikusi dan berbagi. Jadi, saya berharap ada yang menemani, dua atau tidak orang teman perjalanan yang cocok.

Jika Anda dapat mengajak Steemian mana pun sebagai teman perjalanan, siapakah orang tersebut?

Sudah lama saya tidak melalukan perjalanan dengan @zainalbakri. Saya ingin mengajaknya jalan bersama. Atau bisa juga dengan @masriadi untuk mengondisikan wartawan itu kembali aktif di Steemit. Saya juga mengundangnya untuk mengikuti kontes ini.

Satu orang lainnya, mungkin dengan @el-nailul yang mantan pendaki gunung tangguh di masa kuliah dulu. Lelaki itu sangat dekat dengan alam sehingga menjadi teman yang cocok untuk berwisata. Menarik juga membaca kisah @munaa tentang perjalanan wisatanya tahun 2024 ini. Ayo berbagi….

Bagikan perkiraan nilai steem dari biaya yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan perjalanan Anda.

Berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan ke Jogya. Saya mencoba mencari tiket ke sana dari Lhokseumawe dengan jalan darat, kemudian naik pesawat dari Bandara Kuala Namu di Medan, transit di Bandara Soekarni-Hatta di Jakarta, baru melajutkan ke Jogya. Biaya yang dibutuhkan termasuk untuk konsumsi sekitar Rp3.500.000 atau sekitar 585 #steem dengan harga pada saat saya menulis artikel ini, yakni Rp5.983 per #steem.

Itu baru biaya perjalanan pergi dan pulang. Ditambah dengan hotel dua malam di Jogya Rp800.000, makan selama perjalanan Rp400.000, transportasi lokal Rp500.000, serta souvenir Rp450.000, totalnya menjadi Rp5.650.000 atau sekitar 944 #steem.

Jadi, saya harus menabung sekitar 944 #steem mulai dari sekarang. Untuk itu, saya mengharapkan dukungan dari @travelingsteem dan tim agar bisa mewujudkan mimpi tersebut pada tahun 2024 ini. Sebagai gantinya, saya akan membagikan kisah perjalanan dan foto-foto menarik selama di Jogya.[]

BW Magma Borobudur_05.jpg
Saya di Borobudur tahun 2019 lalu.

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Hello friend, your travel destination, your dream has come true and you were able to go to Mount Bromo, a trip that you recently made and that requires a lot of organization for the expenses that arise during your trip, adequate energy preparation, in addition to Prepare costs and transportation well in advance.

Another place of his dream is to visit a tourist site called Jogya in 2024. He wants to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere in Malioboro and visit the Borobudur temple. He does not like to travel alone since he likes to talk about the atmosphere of the place and wants several companions. with @zainalbakri also invite to walk together or you can also use @masriadi.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Thank you for your support @travelingsteem and @wilmer1988. I want to use 50 percent of the earnings from Steemit rewards to help finance trips to Jogya and other areas in Indonesia.

Hello traveler! 👋🏼

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Curated by @kikenexum

Congratulations on achieving your travel goal to Mount Bromo. You're now planning a trip to Jogya, a city rich in education and culture. You prefer Jogya over Bali, which you've visited several times. You want to enjoy the atmosphere in Malioboro, visit Borobudur Temple, and write poetry. You prefer traveling with companions, and if you could choose any Steemian, it would be @zainalbakri, @masriadi, or @el-nailul. The estimated cost for the trip is around 944 Steem, which you hope to save up for. Good luck, and we look forward to your travel stories and photos

Thanks for your comment. For each trip, I really have to save from various sources of income. In the past, when the price of #steem was high and all income could be disbursed, I often used income from Steemit to travel.

Warm regard from Indonesia @mesola.

Jogja memang kota kenangan banyak orang, termasuk saya. Tapi jika ke Jogja saya lebih memilih untuk tidak kemana-mana satu dua hari karena ingin istirahat total dan kumpul dengan kawan-kawan sambil ngopi di alun-alun atau Malioboro juga ok kopinya bang @ayijufridar

Banyak yang bilang, Jogya itu kota kenangan, kota pelajar, kota wisata dan budaya, juga kota mantan. Setiap orang sepertinya punya mantan di Jogya, tapi saya tidak.

Malioboro memang penuh kenangan....

Jogya is completely new to me. Thank you for sharing it.
So often, we find ourselves rushing to places where others travel, like Bali, as you've mentioned.

Maybe many tourists like Bali, so do I. However, not all places in Bali are pleasant for me. I prefer Ubud which promotes creative power to create, similar to Jogya.

Ah okay!
I've guest who booked into my guesthouse who are from Indonesia. (•ิ‿•ิ)