SEC-S14W2 | Surviving in the Nature | [Desert Land Struggle].

in hive-188972 •  10 months ago 

Life is full of risk I could remember the day I found myself in a land of nature surrounded by desert, isle, and so on. People called it a land of the jungle where only the strong can survive because the land is not for the weak ones being in that land for some months I have learned the best way to survive a desert jungle or Isle which I have shared the best way with you in this post.

Which natural spot (desert, jungle, or Isle) do you feel you'll probably survive in the best way? State reasons.

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As I earlier I have found myself in a dangerous place that is surrounded by desert I have learned the best way I can probably survive the desert land based on the experience I have had before.

Having said that above, I feel I will probably survive in the best way on a desert land. The reason why I feel I can survive a desert land is that I have been in a desert land before and I encountered several things, but with the help of the tips shared below, I survived it.

  • I went with a fishing net because food is very important to us.

  • I went with a box of matches because I will need fire to cook and prepare fish which I did.

  • I went with Torchlight.

  • I went with a knife, water and extra clothes.

Which skills do you need to stay there without big issues while you wait to be rescued? Cooking, climbing, swimming, etc.


Cooking skill is what I needed to stay in a desert land without having big issue and it is the skill that I used and survive the desert land I was in for some months.

Food is essential to humans and if you have ever been to a desert land you will get to know how important it is for you to know how to cook because hunger in a desert land is more than the hunger you may encounter while at home.


Also, swimming skill is very important to stay safe in a desert land, because you might come across a big river which you can only cross the river by swimming which was what happened to me some years ago.

Which are the essentials you can't forget there and why? Mobile, diary, pet... Anything is valid.

The essential I can't forget is mobile and the reason mobile is what I will use and tell the story of how went to the desert and spent time in the desert. Also, I won't forget it because of the pictures and videos which I will use on my mobile phone to record and snap.

What are the disadvantages of being very dependent on any urban lifestyle?

The disadvantages of being very dependent on any urban lifestyle are as follows:

  • You will spend a lot of money in urban areas

  • There is poor air in urban areas which you will not enjoy like those staying outside urban areas.

  • High energy consumption and noise pollution would be a problem for you.

  • You wouldn't be strong enough to face challenges.

  • Insufficient water supply. In urban areas the availability of water is limited.

I am inviting: @dove11, @bossj23,@chant, and @dave-hanny

About The Author


Joseph Akwaji Afen (@josepha) is a holder of an Accounting degree, who has gained experience in the finance sectors. In the Steemit social media blockchain platform, he is a content writer, who specializes in writing in different categories and has worked as a mods, community curator, city rep, and a good recruiter who is always committed to ensuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of your finance, crypto, and blockchain insights.

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

I am amazed by some of your skills for survival in the desert. You had a wonderful experience. I think few people dare to choose the wasteland as a place to survive.
We are also used to using fishing nets, but we use them in rivers, not in deserts. 🤗

Very interesting publication buddy,, good luck 👏

One need to be well equip to survive desert. Thanks for reading.

Thanks for inviting me. I can see you have a nice idea of what to take when you go on such a trip. I wish you the best for this contest and many such trips that fill our life with joy.

Thank you for honoring my invention.

Hola amigo, un placer saludarlo, espero te encuentres bien.

Que bueno que ha tenido una gran experiencia en el desierto y pueda contarnos como le fue. Realmente es emocionante poder estar en un lugar desafiante y adaptarnos a ese medio. Aprender a nadar es vital para superar cualquier obstáculo al cruzar un rio..

Me alegro que pudo llevar lo necesario para poder estar en ese lugar.. Le deseo éxito en el desafío.

Saludos cordiales

Thank you for the support you have shown to me.

Hello traveler! 👋🏼

Thanks for sharing your post in the TS Community. Here you are the feedback and evaluation results:

What about if matches get wet? It's essential to learn how to create sparks to fire the wood.☺️ At least you're good on fishing 🎣 because it's such an art that requires a lot of patience. Have good luck in your entry for contest friend.

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Curated by @alegnita

Thank you for your review and the opinions you have shared.

  ·  10 months ago (edited)

Amigo, si se está tan bien preparado como nos cuentas, son duda no será unproblema sobrevivir en el desierto si ya has adquirido la experiencia sabrás cómo desenvolverte de manera práctica.

Yo también que una habilidad básica es saber desenvolverse en el área de cocina para no morir de hambre y el teléfono solo es útil si hay recepción para pedir SOS. No sé nadar,ora mi sería un problema

Necesitamos llevar una vida nómada para estar preparados ya que la vida cómoda que llevamos nos haría unos ineficaces en ese medio.

Saludos y bendiciones Josepha.

Está fue mi participación si gusta apoyarla

Thank you.