Lazy as the sea lion from Punta Loma

in hive-188972 •  20 hours ago 

In the southern part of Argentina, next to Puerto Madryn, a small town located on the coast of Patagonia, the majestic sea lions relax on the coast throughout the summer season. Even though most travelers who visit this remote destination are primarily looking for whales, it's worth spending some time observing other mammals, such as sea lions. And there is no better place to do this than on the beaches of Punta Loma.

There are two ways to get there: you can rent a car or join an organized tour. Unfortunately, do not count on any public transport. However, if you are more athletic than I am, you could try cycling as well—it takes around 50 minutes one way. I've seen people doing it, but since I wanted to see as much as possible in a few days, I didn't decide to cycle this time. Renting a car would cost you approximately 150 USD per day (depending on the type of car) plus fuel (1.10 USD per liter). If you are traveling solo or with just one other person, it may be cheaper to find a tour company that will take you to Punta Loma. It's not the most popular destination, so not every tour company may offer it, but some definitely do. The cost of a private tour with a guide and round-trip transport will cost you 60 USD per person.

It's recommended to plan your trip for early morning. You don't need to wake up before sunrise, but arriving a couple of hours before noon may increase your chances of seeing many sea lions resting on the rocky beaches. Remember to keep your distance, not only to avoid stressing the animals but also for your own safety. These large, seemingly lazy creatures can actually be quite dangerous, using their weight and teeth to defend themselves. Don't worry too much—it's very rare for humans to be attacked, and if it happens, the reason is always the same: not keeping a distance of at least 3 meters, being noisy, or making aggressive moves that stress the animals.

1 - The beautiful coast of Punta Loma
2 - Most of the time the sea lions are simply chilling and catching the sunlight
3 - While observing animals, keep the distance of at least 3 meters

The sea lions are mostly chilling on the beach or feeding in the water. Funny and slow on land, in the sea they transform into fast killing machines, reaching speeds of up to 30 km/h. They need to be effective, as they eat 5% of their body mass every day (females can weigh up to 100 kg, and males up to 300 kg).

Usually, there is only one male on the beach. He is significantly larger than the females, making him easy to recognize. Sometimes, a second male can be seen nearby, keeping a short distance, hoping to mate with the females when the leader of the group isn't looking. These "one-night stand" adventures are quite common among sea lions, though they are very risky—if the other male is detected by the leader of the harem, the encounter can result in a bloody fight.

I wouldn't say sea lions are romantic, and this opinion isn't just based on the described situation. The male, the leader of the harem, mates with the nearest female by essentially stepping on her and holding her body with his teeth. The male, weighing three times as much as the females, often causes them significant pain. When the females can't stand the pain anymore, they bite the male in the neck to let him know that continuing is dangerous for her health. Usually, the act ends with plenty of blood and injuries.

Besides mating with one of their 15-16 females and eating, sea lions do not do much. This is the part that actually makes me like them. Just chilling all day, especially in such spectacular natural surroundings, sounds like a dream. Maybe it would be, if not for the predators. Sea lions are not at the top of the food chain; they often become snacks for orcas, and orcas in this region can be especially dangerous.

Various examples of sea lion females and one example of papi.mati male on the coast of Punta Loma.
Also, notice how spectacular are the colors of the rocks with seaweed on it, second photo on the left

It has been observed that, of all the places in the world, only on the southern coast of Argentina near Puerto Madryn have orcas learned how to use the ebb and flow of the water to hunt more effectively. They use the ebb tide to swim out the water and catch sea lions or seals resting on the coast, then use the flow tide to return to the ocean. This maneuver is extremely difficult, and the tiniest mistake could leave an orca stranded on land, losing its life. What's particularly fascinating is that this innovative hunting method was discovered relatively recently by the animals, and because it's so effective, they have started teaching it to younger generations and even to orcas from other groups they interact with. This highly social behavior highlights the advanced level of communication among these animals.

Whether you come to Puerto Madryn to see whales, dolphins, or penguins, do not forget about the majestic sea lions. Observing these animals is incredibly easy and won't take much of your time, so it's definitely worth it. Just remember—you are a guest in their home, so keep your distance, respect nature, and let them rest. Unless you see an orca approaching—then screaming is totally justified.

All photos in my publications belong to me, unless marked differently

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Punta Loma is your moment at sea. And share your best photographs here. I am impressed dear.

  ·  7 hours ago (edited)

Thank you for sharing this beutiful memories from Punta Loma, it is a dream destination.

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