SEC-S14W3 | What I bring for travel? | Mozambique & Thailand

in hive-188972 •  10 months ago 

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“When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.” – Susan Heller

These are the wisest words I have read for a very long time on Aunty Google!

I like traveling. Or should I say hubby and I like traveling?
Over the years, our travel has changed a lot. Most of our travel was dedicated to business travel, but lately, it has been mainly for pleasure.

The countries we travel to most of the time are Mozambique and Thailand. Packing for traveling is so far different from these two countries as what A is from Z.

Let me start with A. Mozambique.

Packing for Mozambique (Moz)

When we travel to Mozambique, neither a rucksack nor a suitcase is going to do the trick. No, you even pack boxes, cooler boxes, and all the packing space you can find in the car and the boat. It is not even strange to find cookie tins stashed away at your feet.

What to pack

This should read, “What not to pack.”

Food and snacks

Mozambique is a beautiful country on the southeast coast of Africa and a fisherman’s paradise. Guinjata Bay is also our usual destination, as we are part of the Guinjata Fishing Boat Club, which hosts a yearly national fishing contest in Guinjata.

Although Mozambique has bigger cities, shopping in the rural areas is a nightmare. Most shopping is done by visiting street vendors or small supermarkets. Not only do they carry limited stock, but they are also very expensive. Make no mistake; they know very well that you are a visitor to their country.

Going to Mozambique, you pack everything! From meat to spice to drinks.

The only thing we will buy locally is wood for our braai’s (South African barbeques) and freshly baked bread and fish. There is nothing nicer than thick spread butter on warm Pao (Portuguese buns) that gets delivered to your door in the early hours of the morning.

What I would normally do is work out a menu for us for the period that we are there, and then pack accordingly.
First on my agenda is to have a look at the program for the week and then plan accordingly.

Secondly, I will make a summary of how many meals and of what.

Lastly, I will compile my shopping and what to pack for the week as far as our food is concerned.

Now, if you think we are done shopping and packing, I have a surprise for you.

The drive to Guinjata is a lloonnggg drive of 18 to 20 hours. My family is terrible. As soon as the steering wheel turns, they are looking for something to eat. We have a wonderful word for it in South Africa, “padkos.” Translated, it will be “food for the road.”

I will cook chicken drumsticks, and meatballs, and boil some eggs. With this, I will make mini tramezzinis and pitas. A must for the road is biltong! This is air-cured meat, almost like what the Americans will call “jerky.”
On the sweet side, we like to chew on wine gums, all the purple ones for me and the rest of the colors for the family.

Packing for us

Once I have compiled the list of food-related items on my “to do” list, the family is next. What must I pack for us?

There are 10 MUST pack items:

  1. Costumes for the heat
  2. Suntan lotion to stop sunburn
  3. Mosquito repellent for those irritating mosquitoes
  4. A first-aid kit with everything
  5. Set of solar lights for those days without electricity
  6. Lots of packets of cheap sweets for the local children, who will run for kilometers next to the car shouting "sweety.”
  7. A set of spare keys for the car and boat, just in case
  8. Passports, or else you will be returning home without seeing Moz
  9. Fishing and diving gear, or I will be in the dog box
  10. Plenty of cash as without cash Moz is a no-no

All that is left is to do the shopping and packing. I am sure that by now you know why I said that suitcases and rucksacks are not going to do the trick for us.


At last, we are done with A, and can we now move on to Z, Thailand, which is my favorite by far.

Packing for Thailand

Packing for Thailand is the complete opposite of packing for Moz. Although Thailand is much further away, traveling is also far less stressful.

What to pack

There is no “to do” list, no planning, no shopping, and a rucksack is even too big.

We bought special, lightweight, and weather-proof rucksacks for us, which makes traveling to Thailand extra easy.

You can buy anything, anywhere and at almost any time in Thailand. If you take suitcases, you are not being clever.

We travel with only our rucksacks, and when we get to Thailand, our first stop is buying a set of suitcases. These we fill with our shopping as our stay and shopping continue, from make-up to electronic goods.

Oh yes, and if you cannot buy it, you can order it. It takes only 3 days for a tailored suit to be delivered to wherever you are staying.

These are 10 WILL find items in our rucksacks:

  1. Toothbrush and toothpaste, as we are going to need them on your long flight
  2. Our mobile phones, chargers, and wireless earphones
  3. 1 set of clothes
  4. 2 sets of underwear
  5. Passports
  6. Credit cards with ample credit
  7. Name tags for the suitcases that we will be buying
  8. Our chronic medication
  9. Our travel pillows
  10. As for the remaining space, we will fill it with packets of Rooibos tea (South Africa’s favorite herbal tea, which is loved all over the globe) for gifts

We won’t pack any snacks or food, as it is provided by the airport lounges, airlines, and shopping for snacks in Thailand is truly amazing. You can buy fresh fruit, sticky rice with mango, fried salmon skins, Khanom Phing (coconut cookies), and my favorite, watermelon shakes.

All that is left is to enjoy Thailand to its fullest!

As you can see, two different types of packing for the two different countries we visit most of the time.

Happy packing for this holiday if you have not yet packed!


I invite: @sahmie @vickyson @ogechukwu-martha

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@fadlymatch @letssittt @max-pro @josepha @fajrulakmal99 @saintkelvin17 @gabylazarde @aviral123

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We are the hope!

Thank you!

Hi @patjewell, I was amazed at the difference in luggage between the two trips.

That's what you call an excellent planning, that nothing is left to travel Mozambique, already with the experience you have in the country everything should be on your list, but to travel to Thailand, it is much more comfortable and if something is forgotten, you can acquire it without much concern.

It makes me happy to know that you have the joy of traveling and having fun with your family, although you used to do it for work, now it is time to do it for pleasure.

May you continue to be successful in your life.

Awh! Thank you for the visit, the engagement, and the kind words, my friend.
Yes, it is traveling to two different worlds, miles apart, but each one holds its own beauty.

To be able to travel is a privileged, but, I must be honest with you, these days I am more than happy to stay at home.

Thank you! Success for you also. 🎕

Rucksack is always the best bag for traveling because it is more portable and easy to carry to wherever you are going to. I like how you do make provision for your trip and I think I will emulate, your way of traveling. Nice post, and good luck to you.

Let's just say that traveling wisdom comes with the years. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Oh yes, and with being a mother. Once you have kids, you quickly learn how to pack, not only for yourself but also for the family. I never leave the packing to them, as it will be disastorious.

Thank you for the visit and the kind words!

Sunday greetings from Nigeria ma, I can see you are a great traveller, I really enjoyed reading your posts and the part where you talked about Mozambique got me laughing.

You called the mosquitoes irritating mosquitoes, so funny, I can't laugh. Mosquito bites me every day each time I try to blog in steemit. I always pray I don't get Malaria because am not ready to stop blogging outside.

Your journey is always an exciting one. Going with a first aid kit is also very wow wow wow, I have never heard or seen anyone travelling with a first aid kit.

BBBBBZZZZ! It is indeed the most irritating noise when you try to sleep. Best of all, I saw this video on YouTube for what you can listen to if you cannot sleep. Well, it was the sound of mosquitoes! Oh my word!
Maybe they know something that we don't.

We always take malaria tablets as a precaution when we travel outside South Africa into Africa.

As for that first-aid kit, it has come in handy a couple of times.

Thanks for the visit! ☕

Alright ma, good luck. I always pray that mosquito doesn't exist again.

Thank you! Good luck to you also! ☕

El viaje para Mozambique resulta demasiada aventura para mí, la verdad que habría que estar acostumbrado para emprender esa aventura. No me resulta muy atractivo hacer esas maletas porque tendría que llevar hasta la mas básico para mantenerse allá. No pinta como un viaje de placer sino de trabajo duro.

Para Tahilandia es otra cosa, es todo lo contrario. Este me agrada más que bueno que diste información valiosa para los que ha pensado en viajar, ya saben para donde ir.

Gracias por compartir, he aprendido mucho de tu experiencia en estos viajes.

Saludos y éxitos.

It is true that the trip to Mozambique is hard work and a long drive, but the beauty is unreal. Diving on the reefs, eating fresh prawns, visiting friends, and spending endless nights around the campfire make up for it.

BUT, just like you, Thailand has stolen my heart. I prefer going there, although shopping in a country like that is also hard work. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you for the visit! It is appreciated!

Greetings ma,

You're very correct, Rucksacks are hands down the best bags for traveling as they are super convenient and easy to carry around no matter where you're headed. I see you make thorough plans for every travels you make as it's all about being prepared and organized.

I like to be prepared, as I don't know what you are going to get in an unknown country, even when you visit a city like Dubai, where everything you need is at hand.
I've learned valuable lessons through my travels.

Thank you for the visit and the engagement! It is appreciated.

Saludos amiga, realmente te preparas muy bien para eso dos destinos de viaje. Debe ser increíble poder disfrutar de ambos lugares y comer esas comidas tradicionales que mencionas. También comprar dos maletas y llenarlas de maquillaje y productos electrónicos.

Que palabras tan sabias, realmente debemos cargar el doble de dinero para poder costear todo. Lamentablemente sin dinero no se puede viajar muy lejos.

Me alegro mucho que puedas disfrutar de esos viajes tan especiales. Muchas gracias por la invitación. 💚

Te deseo éxito en el desafío, Dios te bendiga 🙏

It is for me to say thank you for the visit and the kind words.

I love traveling full-stop! BUT I must be honest and tell you that I like staying at home just as much. I think it is the old age that is slowly creeping in.

These days, I must also think about providing for later years, and I'm afraid that traveling is last on the list. I will still go to Thailand, as my brother lives there. Am I not lucky? (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you! God's blessings to you also. 🙏

Hola amiga patjewell!!

Para mí nuevamente es un placer estar leyendo alguna de tus publicaciones.

Cada vez que lo hago me deleitó con tus conocimientos sobre tu país o lugares cercanos y me encantaría visitarlo algún día 🙏

Me causó mucha risa leer que para tus viajes sobre todo cuando vas a Mozambique ni maleta ni mochila bastan 🤭 deben llevar son cajas y hasta una nevera pequeña llevan para el mismo🙈

Muy importantes nuestros respectivos documentos a la hora de viajar chequear bien eso antes del viaje tal cual como lo haces es muy bueno.

Como te he comentado otras veces tengo una sobrina en tu país y hace como 2 meses viajo a Mozambique a una playa hermosa y efectivamente me afirma lo que leo en tu publicación sobre todo lo que se debe llevar.

Que bueno que tengan la costumbre de llevar mucha comida y refrigerio y lo único que dejan para comprar allá es la madera o el carbón como le llaman y me parece bien la idea de llevar muslo de pollo frito y albondigas y también huevos cocidos.

Y la lista larga de las 10 cosas principales que llevas para tu viaje me confirma lo ordenada que eres.

Buen viaje amiga y mucha felicidad....


Okay! So you know all about Mozambique and packing everything (•ิ‿•ิ)
Well, I do hope that next time you will be packing for South Africa and not for one of our neighboring countries, and that your niece will gladly share a little of you with us.

Thank you for your visit and your kind words!

We are staying at home this holiday due to the self-catering apartment being fully let out until mid-January, but we will for sure be packing for Moz come May next year.

I wish you a beautiful 2024!

Wow this journey is stressful and fun human being are the same everywhere once they notice that you are a stranger the price of commodity they sell to you is different what can we say, your children must be lucky to have you as a mother you have everything planned out for every journey and place that you go the mosquito net costume the food and snacks money everything is so perfect you are indeed a blessed mother, I was laughing to myself reading through the article and I wish i was part of the chicken too, best wishes.

Haha! I am glad I could make you laugh.
Traveling to Moz is no easy task, but the beauty and the wonderful times we have make up for all of it. It is thought to be applicable to most African countries. The beauty is only to be seen when you get there.
These days, I have my grandchildren traveling with us, and that is super amazing!
They keep us busy.

Thanks for the visit!

You are always welcome.

Hello traveler! 👋🏼

Thanks for sharing your post in the TS Community. Here you are the feedback and evaluation results:

Very impressed I am with your very detailed article to travel not only in one but two different places like Mozambique and Thailand. I enjoyed reading your text including that phrase at the beginning that you found in Google, surprisingly.😂

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Curated by @alegnita

Thank you for the verification and the kind words!

Hello dear friend, @patjewell

  • Nice to know you like to travel. Although you mentioned more about business travel. But has also recently traveled happily which I think must be beautiful. While traveling you carry suntan lotion, sunglasses mobile phone and mobile phone charger, light passport with cash to prevent sunburn. Which you must use as a traveler. Travel is not a problem especially if you carry cash with you. Because money is very important nowadays. Friend, your trip to Thailand was really great. Very nice to read your post because your post is very well presented. I wish you all the best in this competition my friend.

Best regards from @robin42

All that is left is for me to say... thank you!
Thank you for the visit, the engagement, and the kind words!

I really felling charged to land up in Thailand after reading your detailed interesting informations. I also like the idea of buying a suitcase to put all shopping items. It is great idea to carry Rooibos tea to enjoy homely favour in order to avoid any unpleasant surprise. As a whole it's a great travel blog.

Thank you! It is great to see you visiting my blog and commenting on it with such nice words.

Best of all, those suitcases are gifts to the family when we return to South Africa. (•ิ‿•ิ)


Hello friend
I truly enjoyed your packing adventure as you shared a whole lot with us. I'm already craving most of the recipes you shared who doesn't love thick butter on buns or dough. I enjoyed you entry my dear friend. You said a whole lot and I admire your menu shared. Success in the challenge my dear friend

It is for me to say thank you for the visit, the engagement, and the kind words.

I have to smile as some of the words on my "to do" and "to pack" lists are in my home language. I was wondering if Steemians were going to find it difficult to understand.
I suppose, in the end, it is the list itself that matters. (•ิ‿•ิ)

I enjoyed every bit of your entry cheers

Awh! Thank you! ☕