What is Community / What are the Benefits of Community

in hive-189078 •  3 years ago 

What is Community / What are the Benefits of Community


What is meant by community? The definition of community is a social group in a society consisting of several individuals who interact with each other in a certain environment and generally have the same interests and habitats.

There is also a mention that the meaning of community is a group in society, where the members have the same social criteria as a characteristic. For example, similarity in interests, similarity in profession, similarity in religion, similarity in place of residence, and so on.

Community Benefits

The formation of a community certainly has benefits for its members. Some of the benefits of the community are as follows:

  • Information facilities, the dissemination of certain information can spread quickly in a community. For example, the bird lovers community, all information related to birds will circulate very quickly in this community.
  • Establishing relationships, humans are social creatures who need other humans in their lives. With the existence of a community, fellow members can forge better relationships with each other.
  • Copy Support, because there is an interest or interest in a particular field, every member of the community can provide support to each other. Apart from supporting fellow members, a community can also help others outside the community.
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