Revolutionize Neuro Technology

in hive-190030 •  4 years ago 

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Contain your curiosity with this amazing innovation! Wanna know about this great news? This might help;

These other companies could expand about $3.24 billion by 2024 at an estimated 7.5% CAGR while the Deep Brain Stimulation market could expand from about $500 million to nearly $6 billion.

These other companies could potentially demand and improved electrode technology to assist with less invasive or percutaneous surgeries, improved surgical outcomes, and better mapping technology.

Don't miss this new technology cause this could potentially save lives. Check disclaimer in profile and landing page.

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these other companies are really giving it all and is a beneficial move

These research done so many things to achieve this

Wow new innovations on neurology. thanks for the updates!

wow! it could improve surgical outcomes. cool

Through these innovation could be a miracle changer!