Let's get to work //Crafting of a Doraemon-Clay Cartoon.

in hive-190211 •  2 days ago 

@arjinarahman ©


As-salamu Alaikum.
Hello Steemians! Hope you all are doing well. Today, I am participating in an amazing contest in the "Reflexiones de Vida" community, organized by @victornavarro Sir.
Here is: Contest Link .
Let’s get started!

Crafting of a Doraemon-Clay Cartoon.


Designed with Canva Pro

1000050349.gifA Glimpse of My Craft

Final Result

Crafting Tools

🟥 Clay
🟦 Clay Cutters
🟪 Sculpting Tools
🟨 Rolling Pin
⬛ Adhesive-Glue
🟩 Gel Pen


Today, I am going to share a cartoon craft with you all. The cartoon I will be making is Doraemon, and I will create it using clay. Without further delay, let’s see how I made it.

🔹Step I

1000050315.jpgNecessary things

For making today’s Doraemon cartoon, I have used five different colors of clay. These colors include red, blue, yellow, black, and white. Additionally, I have a clay cutter.

🔹Step II


First, I took a portion of blue clay and shaped it into a round ball. Then, I took another piece of clay, flattened it slightly, and gave it the desired shape. After that, I took a small amount of red clay, rolled it into a thin strip, and shaped it accordingly.Then, I adjusted the two blue clay pieces together. Now, I placed the thin red clay strip right in the middle, aligning it properly.

🔹Step III


Now, I took a small amount of blue clay and rolled it into thin strips. These are Doraemon’s arms. Then, I attached these two strips to both sides, just below the neck area.

🔹Step IV


Next, I took a small amount of white clay, flattened it into a thin, round shape, and placed it on the upper part of the body. Then, I made two tiny white balls and attached them to the ends of Doraemon’s hands to form his paws.

🔹Step V


I flattened a piece of white clay and adjusted it below the neck. Then, I placed another thin white clay piece on top of it. After that, I took two small white balls and attached them to the lower part of Doraemon’s body. These represent Doraemon’s feet.

🔹Step VI


I took a very small amount of yellow clay, rolled it into a tiny ball, and placed it in the middle of the red section around Doraemon’s neck.
For the eyes, I took two small pieces of white clay, shaped them, and placed them accordingly. Then, I took small black clay balls and attached them on top of the white clay to complete the eyes.

🔹Step VII


Now, I took a tiny amount of red clay to shape Doraemon’s mouth. After that, I placed another small clay piece on top. For the nose, I took a small red clay ball and attached it above the mouth.

🔹Step VIII

1000050332.jpgI have been Complete my cartoon

I used a small brush to add white highlights to the black part of the eyes, making the pupils. Then, using a gel pen, I drew whisker-like lines on both sides of the mouth. With this, the Doraemon figure is now complete.

🔹Step IX

Using Tag
Selfie with my work

Finally, I captured a photo of my Doraemon craft using a tag. Then, I also took a selfie with my Doraemon cartoon figure.

Some photography of my Doraemon cartoon

1000050345.jpgMy Tiny Doraemon Cartoon

Image Information
Device Nameinfinix
Captured by@arjinarahman
Crafted by@arjinarahman

I invite the following users for the contest

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Muy lindo tu trabajo amiga te felicito éxitos saludos desde la distancia 🫂


Curated by @abdullahw2
