Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience

in hive-190211 •  last year  (edited)


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Children are a trust from the Almighty. They are like arrows in the hand of a mighty one. So they require articulate guidance to hit their intended target. What is that target? It is raising them up to become responsible adults.

However, the opposite of the above introduction is the reality in the world today. The society is filled with violence, lack of love, irresponsible acts, etc. These acts are perpetrated by people, young ones and old ones alike.

Everyone comes from one family or the other. So all the perpetrators come from one family background or the other. This means that either the parents did not do their work well or the children suddenly decided to become rebellious.

This contest topic A call to conscience by @Life Reflections community will do justice to this topic and I want to believe that @patjewell, @karianaporras and @rothjoe will like to take part in this noble contest. I can't wait to read your view on this topic.

Why do our young people and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons.

Like I said before, everyone comes from a home. So the first point of call in tracing violence comes from the home. When there is no love at home, the children learns to be loveless too.

When a child is a victim of sexual abuse, bullying, physical abuse and exposure to violence at home or outside, it increases the chances of such ones being violent or aggressive. A violent father and mother begets violent children because young ones learn much examples.

Apart from their background, other reasons will be the individual's personality traits. The genetical makeup can be an influential factor. When that is not controlled, when the child is grown up, this negative trait will play out.

Our environment contributes to youths antisocial activities. When violence and abuse are supported and cheered on by the people we live with, they assume it is normal too.
When they see acts of violence perpetrated openly where they live, it is adopted as a norm.

The media is not also helping matters. Violence is everywhere, on the TV, social media, movies, even the games the little kids play in our homes. These shapes their mindset making them feel that aggressiveness is the only thing that will help you survive in this life.

Having low self esteem can also lead a child to become very aggressive. For example, some children who are deformed from my little experience are always very dangerous to deal with and finds it difficult to forgive a person. So I attribute it to their deformed state which makes them have low self esteem.

What can we do to improve this situation or this behavior? You can mention two alternatives

The family is the major place where reorientation should come from. It is said that the family is the cell of a community or the nucleus of a nation. The young ones need to experience love, affection and tenderness within the family. This shapes their minds about the things that matters most in life. Seeing violence and aggressiveness as a detestable thing to engage in.

Secondly the environment should be cleaned up. When thieves, aggressive and violent persons, individuals who use abusive and derogatory speeches are praised openly and In the public, be it the social media, games they play, televisions and radio, the young ones adopt it as a good way of life.

When the society admits and disciplines people who engage in such acts, it will deter young ones who wants to engage in such acts. The media should be cleaned up and all inappropriate behaviour and speech should not be allowed to be aired or seen in them. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved because of love of money.

Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others? Explain some reasons. Have you had to help others?

The society is made up of people. These people come from various families. So the family is central to the society.
Aggressive Family leads to aggressive children which in turn leads to an aggressive society.

The society's applause, focus, attachment, praise and open testimony of love for individuals who lie, loot and abuse others with their fame, money and power causes the young ones to view it as normal. So young ones aim for such with the intention of using it to suppress others.

Love of money and inordinate love for pleasures have led to lack of love for fellow humans, being willing to sacrifice human life for material things. Being successful is attached to money, fame and power, hence no regard for human life. This causes general indifference and callousness by many people entirely.

I try my best to live a life of simplicity, contentment and love for others. I try to make sure that I help those around me to be hardworking, uprightness, and love for others. I try not to be violent even when I am offended. I try to let go of offense in a mild way even when I am pushed to the extreme. I mind what I say. These has really been of help to those around me. They may look ate as a weakling but that's not what it means. Not that I am not powerful to defend my course and and not that I can go for justice legally, but I choose to leave a legacy that others can emulate and this help them to live a life free from violence.

I have also tried to help so many people that ask for my view when they have differences with other on what they can do. I always advice them to keep calm and try to see a way to maintain peace. I always tell them that they can only control their own behavior and not that of the other person, hence, they will be the one to seek peace and pursue it.

My favorite quote from the scriptures which I also share with my friends that needs my advice is found in Colossians 3:12-14

Accordingly, as God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience. Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same. But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. (NWT)

So, it is a requirement and it fosters good relationships and help our kids to be better and grow into responsible adulthood.

Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or that you instill in your family?

I didn't spend much ti.e with my parents when I was growing up. But I have come to learn a lot from the people I lived with. Life itself has great lessons which I have come to learn coupled with the fact that I am a student of the Holy Scriptures. Hence, below are some of the principles that I have learned which I will like to impact to my kids, in fact, I have started already.

  • The first is to strive and be at peace with everybody as far as possible. This gives peace of mind and brings joyous to the heart.

  • The second is the need to avoid bad associations, helping them see the reasons for doing so. Bad habits can easily be learned and practiced.

  • I will also teach them to be hardworking. Instilling in them that hard work pays. Just as the holy scripture also said, that he who works hard eats the fruit of his labour. Laziness only leads to poverty.

  • Another important principle is that failure is part of life. Sometimes in life, we may not succeed in all our endeavours. It is only temporary, testing our endurance, perseverance, tenacity and doggedness. What matters is rising up after the failure and pushing on. This is one of the reasons why many young ones resort to aggressiveness, violence and suicide once they encounter some failures in life.

  • The most important is for them to love others and treat them just as they would like to be treated. This is the golden rule. If people love others as themselves, abuse, bullying and hatred will cease to exist.

This is the greatest and most important principle ever.

A word for us who try to impact godly principles to the younger ones is that, we should try to have the principles that we will like to impact on others, else, it will be difficult because we can't give out what we don't have no matter how hard we try.

IMG-20230814-WA0042.jpgsmile is contagious, teach them to smile by smiling


Charity begins at home. This is a statement of fact usually spoken by many persons. The kind of families we have determine the make up off our children and the society at large.

When we teach our children godly principles and live by these principles, we will have well trained youths and adolescents.

Success to you all!


This is my introductory post here


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Thanks a million @pelon53 for the support. It means a lot to me

Awh! What an example you set for other parents! Thank you!
There is one thing that grabbed my attention, and that is what you wrote about love. I do believe that love is the most important ingredient in our lives and those of our children. Love is like salt.

Leviticus 2:13 reads: "And every offering of your grain offering you shall season with salt; you shall not allow the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your grain offering. With all your offerings you shall offer salt."

With parenthood, we SHOULD offer love!

Best wishes for the contest, and I hope I will be able to take you up on your invitation to participate.

Love is everything! When we offer love and the kids learn to love, then the family will be a Haven of peace and it will translate into a healthy society. Thanks for your comment and that Bible verse. I appreciate. Then if you can, please make your entry

The most important is for them to love others and treat them just as they would like to be treated.

Jesus Christ asked us to love our brothers and sisters just as he has loved us which implies love is a key factor in our daily living. Teaching your children the act of living is very important as it is connected to others like peace, humility, generosity, kindness, patience etc.

You've learned so many virtues and so giving back to the next generation is great. Our world and society is field with so many hazardous activities. Sometimes we wonder what the next generation will look like. Keep on advocating for peace and love in your family and community.

Good luck in the contest momma

La sociedad es el resultado de una buena gestión familiar, ahora bien, la educación de hogar inicia con la formación en Valores, principios y normas de conducta, las cuales deben ser enseñadas por los padres o tutores.

En la actualidad, la tecnología, las redes sociales, las noticias amarillistas y la distorsión sobre lo que se debe ser y hacer, influyen en la mentalidad de los jóvenes y les hacen cambiar de actitud.

Todo progreso obedece a cambios, pero cuando estos cambios atentan contra la naturaleza de las personas entonces afectan su conducta.

Mucha comunicación y amor para poder erradicar la violencia de nuestros jóvenes.

Saludos. SLPS

Family is everything when it comes to moral values. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate