A Few Words To My Dad

in hive-190211 •  last month  (edited)

Good day my Steem Reflexiones De Vida Family! Thank you @yancar for this great topic.




My Father, My Hero


Photo of my father with my older cousin, my dad is the one wearing a suit.

Dads can be real-life superheroes. Fathers are sacrificial when it comes to wanting the growth and well being of every child. In some cases the reverse is the case as most fathers run away from their responsibilities. But in my case my dad tried so well to see me through life consciously and unconsciously. Each day around my father was a lesson, Him being my first role model is something I stay grateful for looking how far I have come.

A Few Words To My Dad



To My World Best Father,
Pastor Emmanuel Sunday,

I wanted to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible impact you've had on my life. Your guidance and mentorship in leadership and entrepreneurship have shaped me in ways I could never have imagined. Your wisdom and support have been my guiding light, and I am so grateful for all the lessons you've taught me along the way.

Thank you for instilling in me the values of hard work, determination, and innovation. Your belief in me has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams fearlessly. I am truly beyond blessed to have a father like you who not only leads by example but also empowers me to strive for greatness.

Your influence has been instrumental in shaping my path, and I am forever grateful for the foundation you've helped me build. I aspire every day to make you proud and carry forward the legacy of excellence you've instilled in me.

With all my love and admiration,
Sean C’yril Emmanuel Udoekanem


@nancygbemi, @bela90 and @oasiskp tell me about your Fathers too


Thank you

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Ay lo siento, lo olvidé, gracias por recordármelo amigo 😊

Muchas gracias por publicar un artículo en la comunidad Reflexiones de Vida , quiero pedir muchas bendiciones para tu padre Emmanuel, que Dios le de mucha vida y salud, buenas palabras de un hijo que lo ama, suerte.

Verificado por: @yancar

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Muchas gracias por esta amable reseña 😊 Me encanta. Amén y que Dios te bendiga a ti también.

Saludos @seancyril, que bonita manera de hablar de tu padre.

Gracias a Dios por que tiene un gran padre, un ejemplo para tu vida, el cual usted aprecia mucho y quiere.

Muchas gracias amiga por tus amables palabras, te agradezco