COVID-19: Current situation of Bangladesh

in hive-190212 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Today, In Bangladesh we have a new record of infection. 492 people were infected and 10 people died. But the government now increases the number of tests and the infection number is also increasing. It already crosses 3500 marks. Who knows what is going to happen all this now like a nightmare.

The difficulty of knowing the real situation is that there are thousands of Garments workers who have returned recently from countries where the pandemic is active and they were neither tested nor quarantined but have gone straight to their villages. The number of tests should have been closer to 100 thousand than to 10 thousand.

Staying home for a long time is affecting psychologically and we have to fight against not only Corona-virus but also our mental strength. That's why we try many things to cheer up our brains. Also writing and memorizing the wonderful time we have passed.

This is the way pandemics explode without enforced lock-downs and social distancing, massive testing, and the follow-up tracking down of all contacts of a coronavirus Centerive individual and the quarantining of all of their contacts.

We were warned weeks ago that this would be happening. The US Center for Disease Control is warning that there will be a second deadlier wave of Coronavirus this coming winter. It will explode at the same time that the new variety of the annual flu also begins.

This will not end until we have both a vaccine and an effective cure that is available to the entire world population. The vaccine and cure may be available within a year but ramping up production and distribution will take a long time. We will not return to "normal."

There will have to be major changes in how we interact physically with others. Hand-shaking will be a thing of the past-we will all need to practice the "namaste" gesture from Hinduism and Buddhism and avoid crowded situations.

A test for whether we have the antibodies for the corona-virus in our system will become a part of our annual medical check-up and once we have had and survived the virus we will have that information in a chip on our photo ID and on our passport, and quite possibly in a microchip on our had or arm that can be read upon entering any public building or public transportation.

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