This story begins like many others, with 3 main characters. Each of these characters has their own statistics.
HP 100
EN 10
ST 15
IN 200
SP 20
This character is fascinated by technology, quite intelligent, agile, and fast, but not very strong. However, they compensate for it with their knowledge of technology.
HP 100
EN 125
ST 100
IN 20
SP 5
This character is quite strong and resilient but not very fast or intelligent. However, they compensate for it with their strength, as they can lift things very easily. And they never give up.
HP 100
EN 30
ST 5
IN 100
SP 50
This character is quite intelligent and fast but not very strong. However, they compensate for it with their speed. This character likes mysteries, ghosts, and horror.
Chapter one: The New World
The story begins in Beach City, a city located on an island entirely covered in sand. The three 13-year-old friends went there to spend their vacations with Miguel's uncle. They love searching for treasures, sometimes in the sand and sometimes in the sea. But one day, they stumbled upon a very peculiar treasure...
Angel: -Hey, I found a gold watch with jewels-.
Lautaro y Miguel -¡A ver!- Angel: Lo encontre en el mar...Extra
This watch is considered one of the most powerful objects in all the multiverses. When this watch falls into the wrong hands, the red gem shines brighter, and when it falls into good hands, the blue gem illuminates, as this watch can see the future and determine if someone is evil or good. This watch combines incredibly potent magic and technology, along with extremely powerful gems.
Later that same day, Miguel and Angel were investigating the watch, while Lautaro had gone to train.
Miguel: -Hmmm, this watch looks very ancient.-
Angel: -I've been researching, and I found out that this watch comes from the most ancient eras, although they say it's just a legend.-
Lautaro: -I'm back.-
Angel and Miguel ignore Lautaro.
Lautaro: -Hey, let me see that.-
Lautaro snatches the watch from Angel and Miguel's hands.
Miguel and Angel: -Hey, give us the watch! You don't know how to use it, you don't know what it can do.-
While Angel and Miguel try to grab the watch back, Lautaro moves the watch hands until it points to the red gem...
Suddenly, the watch starts glowing intensely, blinding them for a few seconds. At the same time, the watch begins to float and spin rapidly.
It gets bigger and suddenly, everything turns dark...
Angel: -What... Where are we?-
Lautaro and Miguel wake up, and the three of them realize they are in another dimension.
Lautaro: -Wha... What happened?
Miguel: -In another dimension.-
Lautaro and Angel: -WHAT.-
Miguel: -Yes, you heard it right. I've been researching it, but I didn't know how to activate it. But Lautaro's clumsiness brought us here.-
Lautaro: -HEY!!-
Lautaro and Miguel start arguing.
Angel: -Guys, look.-
Lautaro and Miguel: -Wow.-
It was getting dark, and in the blink of an eye, it was nighttime.
Miguel: -Alright, give me the watch, Lautaro.-
Lautaro hands over the watch, and the three kids notice that all the gems on the watch have turned gray, and it doesn't seem to work, which alarms them.
But before they could even worry, they notice that robots are approaching in what appears to be a spaceship...
What was once beautiful has turned into a horror movie. The three teenagers run as fast as they can, but in the process, they get separated, and one by one, they get caught and put into capsules.