Why use a mask

in hive-191303 •  2 years ago 

The mask stops the spread of Covid-19 virus. Many parents have found that masks are difficult to use for children.
Masks have been used to combat bacterial infections for many years in several countries. For many families, 2020 will mark a special occasion.
You may have questions if you've never used a mask before. We have compiled the most current expert information about how to properly care for and wear a mask within the context of Covid-19, and how to get started using it in your family.
For general information about Kovid-19, read about its symptoms, how it spreads, and how to protect yourself and your children.
Why wear a face mask?
Covid-19 spreads through tiny droplets (or drops) that are released from the airways of people who talk, sing, cough or sneeze. Although the research is ongoing, it is known that the virus can be spread to others without symptoms. This means that even people who have never been infected can still be infected.
It is important to keep your distance from places where Covid-19 is prevalent. It is sometimes impossible to keep your distance in crowds so cloth masks are a good idea to keep everyone safe.
But keep in mind that just one mask will not stop the spread of Covid-19 - we all need to adhere to physical distances and continue to wash our hands frequently. Together with these steps, we can defeat Kovid-19.
What kind of mask should I take for my family?
Non-Medical Mask (Cloth Mask): If you and your family live in a place where Covid-19 is prevalent and do not have any symptoms of Covid-19, it is recommended to use a non-medical mask.
Medical masks: Due to epidemics, there is a shortage of medical masks worldwide. Use a medical mask if you or someone you care for is at risk of getting seriously ill with Covid-19 (over 60, or with any other health condition). Is. To protect yourself and others, wear a medical mask if you experience symptoms of Covid-19.
What kind of cloth mask is best?
Fabric masks are made of different materials, and you can make them at home or buy them from the store if you want. Although research into the use of cloth masks is ongoing, their effectiveness depends on the type of fabric used and the level of fabric used. The World Health Organization recommends three levels of masks:
• The inner layer will be made of absorbent material like cotton cloth
• The middle layer will have no woven materials like polypropylene
The outer layer will be made of non-absorbent material like polyester or polyester blend
No matter what type of mask you choose to cover your face, it should cover the nose, mouth, and cheekbones and be protected with a rubber band or girth.
When should my family wear a mask?
Find out if your local authority has asked you to wear a mask in certain situations where you live and has given any age-based advice.
Whether or not your child should wear a mask depends on factors, including their age and ability to use the mask safely and appropriately. For more information on Guidelines for UNICEF and World Health Organization, See.
If the prevalence of Covid-19 is high in your area, it is difficult to maintain physical distance - you should always wear a cloth mask in crowded situations. Crowded areas and lack of adequate ventilation should be avoided as much as possible.
Many misinformation is being spread about Covid-19 and masks. Make sure you use reliable sources like UNICEF and the World Health Organization to make informed decisions regarding your family's health.When should you not wear a mask?
No one should wear a mask, including newborns and young children or people with shortness of breath that cannot open the mask without the help of others.
Consultations from UNICEF and WHO: Children 5 years of age or younger do not need to wear a mask. It depends on child protection, and it is recognized that children are at different stages of development at different ages.
Some countries offer different types of child mask advice, so it's important to know if your local authority has any age-based guidelines. If they instruct children 5 years of age or younger to wear the mask, the child should be supervised directly in front of you or any other care provider to ensure safe use of the mask.

Choose a location where a mask is not necessary when you exercise. In this case, you can choose a house or a place (such as somewhere outside) where you can maintain a safe physical distance from others. Children and adults should not wear masks during sports or physical activity, as it may cause respiratory problems. Sweat can soak the mask, which will make it difficult to breathe and will help in the growth of germs.
How do I choose a baby's mask?
Many masks are made for adults and do not fit properly on children's faces. If you buy a mask, buy a mask tailored to your baby's shape. Whether you buy a mask for your baby or make it yourself, make sure the mask covers the baby's face, nose, and chin well and does not leave any gaps on the cheeks or cover their eyes. Make sure that children can breathe comfortably while walking or talking quickly after wearing the mask.
How to clean cloth mask:
If possible, wash the cloth mask with warm water (at least 60 degrees Celsius) using soap or powdered soap at least once a day. In the case of machine washing, use the appropriate temperature setting according to the type of fabric. For hand washing, use warm soapy water. After washing, the mask should be well dried before re-wearing. Store the mask in a clean bag.
How to wear a mask properly.


It is important to wear, open and maintain the mask properly to protect your health and everyone else around you. Practice following this list with your family to become a routine.
When wearing a mask:
• Always start wearing a mask after washing your hands with soap and water.
Check that the mask is clean. Make sure there are no holes. If the mask is damaged or dirty, don't wear it.
Wear the mask so that the face, nose, and chin are well covered, and there are no gaps on the sides.
Be sure to breathe comfortably while wearing a mask.
Replace the mask if it is dirty or wet.
Do not pull the mask down on the nose or chin or wear it on your head - the face and nose should be completely covered with the mask for effectiveness.
Please do not touch the mask while it is on your face. You should have a separate bag for each family member. To avoid contamination, hold the mask in elastic brackets (or girdles) and place the bag inside or outside of the bag. Wash your hands after wearing the masks.
Mask opening time:
Wash both hands before opening the mask.
Hold the elastic brackets and knots to open the mask. Do not touch the mask's front.
Wash your hands after opening the mask.
The cloth mask should be washed after each use and stored in a clean bag.
Medical masks are usable once, and after use, they should be thrown in the covered garbage bin.

Avoiding 7 common mistakes

Left to right:
Do not pull the nose down
Do not keep the chin open
Do not pull down the chin
Please do not touch it while wearing the mask
Do not wear loose masks
Do not wear dirty, damaged, or wet masks
Talk to your children about the need for masks:
The Covid-19 epidemic has devastated family life worldwide, creating stress, anxiety, and sadness. Understandably, masks can cause such feelings in many children, especially in places where they are not accustomed to wearing masks.A mask can be frightening and confusing for young children.
If your family has never worn a mask before, it's important to be open and helpful when talking to your children about it. Remind yourself that regular use of the mask is important to build a habit of wearing it.Your children should always wear a mask to protect themselves and others.

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