Review For Computer

in hive-191303 •  3 years ago 

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A computer is a sophisticated electric device. The English word computer originates from the Latin word computare.

The word computer literally means a calculating device. In the past, only calculations were done with a computer. But nowadays, with the help of sophisticated computers, many kinds of work can be done in addition to performing complex calculations very fast and accurately.Computers can do billions of calculations in seconds. The speed at which a computer works is calculated in nanoseconds (NS). A nanosecond is just a fraction of a billionth of a second.There are many circuits inside the computer. All the activities of the computer are conducted through the flow of electrons. Computer language is a computer language based on electronic signals.The computer provides results based on the instructions given to the computer through the language understood by the computer. Computer instructions are called programs. Computers are nothing more than inert matter without programs. Proper programming can turn a computer from inert matter into an intelligent device with mathematical power.Definition of computer
“A computer is a special electronic device designed to solve a variety of problems. It can store many instructions at once and execute them one by one, if necessary, accurately and quickly. ”"Computer is an Electronic Device for Storing and Processing Data Typically in Binary form, According to Instruction given to in a Varble Program."

Who is the father of the modern computer?
Charles Babbage.
The father of the modern computer is the scientist Charles Babbage. He was simultaneously an English mechanical engineer, mathematician, inventor and philosopher. He was born in 1891 in London.The scientist Charles Babbage first invented the use of instruments in 1810 to calculate numbers and tables mechanically. And it was with this in mind that by 1830 he planned to build a device that would be powered by punched cards and perform a sequential task.This device is considered to be the first version of the modern computer and is also known as the analytical engine. However, due to lack of funding, Charles Babbage could not complete his project. But even then his analytical engine could mechanically solve various mathematical problems.And many of the features of this engine are still very important in today's modern computer design. That is why Charles Babbage is called the father of modern computers.The structure of modern computers
Although the journey of modern computer technology started in the 1950s, it has now spread widely.

Modern computers basically consist of five parts:
Mathematical logic part
Control part
Input part
Output part

1/ Memory: The part of the computer where information is stored is called memory. The computer can store the required information in the memory during working hours and can do all the work including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with the information from here when needed. Memory is directly connected to other parts of the computer.If you want to work on a computer with any information, first you have to store that information in memory. Memory is of two types. Namely: -

Primary memory.
Secondary memory.

2 / Mathematical logic part: In this part, mathematical problem solving, logic and decision making work is done for processing. This part is all the calculation work on the data; Such as: - Performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. as well as related to logic e.g.also performs tasks related to ‘no’ and ‘yes’. At the end of the operation the results are stored in the main memory and sent to the output unit, this part is inside the microprocessor.

3 / control part: This part controls all the activities by coordinating with different parts of the computer through the control bus. This part is also inside the microprocessor. When data will be needed in memory, from cache memory The control part fixes these issues whether to take in memory. The function of receiving input in memory and the process of outputting data after processing is also part of the control. This part of the program is also to send instructions to other parts of the program.The controller also controls and controls other hardware peripherals connected to the computer.

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How the computer works!
Computers are basically a combination of hardware and software.Hardware is all the devices, components and devices that have the external shape of a computer.

Computer hardware can be basically divided into three parts. Namely: -

Input device
Output device and
System device
What is hardware?

1 / Input Device: The device or device through which any instruction is given to the computer or any data or information or media is input or inserted is called input device. Such as: - Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Dix, Card Reader, Microphone, Digital Camera etc.
2 / Output Device: All the devices or devices through which the computer provides or receives any information or data or media is called an output device. Such as: - Monitors, speakers, printers, headphones, projectors, disks, pen drives etc.
3 / System Device: All the devices or parts that are needed to keep the computer active or to keep it active are called system devices. Such as: - Motherboard, hard disk, RAM, processor, power supply etc.
What is software?
Software is a set of programs or programs that make the hardware work by creating a relationship between the computer's hardware and the user.

Computer software can be basically divided into two parts. Namely: -

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System software
Application Software.

1 / System Software: System software keeps the computer's ability to execute practical programs successfully by maintaining the coordination of work between different units of the computer. Some of the popular system software are: - Fedora, Mac OSX, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Windows 7, Windows 7, Windows 10.
2 / Application software: Application software is a program used to solve practical problems or process data. There are thousands of application software such as: -Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Media Player, etc.
How many types of computers and what are they?
Computers used in the world today can be categorized in different ways such as: -

Types of computers according to the type of work and application.
Classification of computers according to structure and nature of work.

Digital computers or classification of computers according to size, volume and functionality.

There are two types of computers according to the type of work and application. Namely: -

Computer for special use.
Computer for general use.

There are also three types of computers according to the nature of work or technology. E.g., -

Analog computer
Digital computer
Hybrid computer

There are four types of digital computers or computers according to size, volume and functionality. Namely: -

Mainframe computer
Mini computer

There are 5 types of microcomputers again. Namely: -

Desktop computer
Laptop computer
Palmtop computer
Notebook computer
Pocket computer

Notice the image below to better understand the type of computer.

Computer use or application field
In this modern age there is a lot of use of computers all around. Nowadays, in almost every case, the application of computers is eye-catching. The main reason for this is that due to the perfect performance of the computer, speed, memory, automatic performance, endurance, etc., it is possible to do a lot more work in less time. As a result, its application is increasing day by day.
Some notable applications of computers.
Use of computer in communication
Use of computer in office management
Use of computer in education
Use of computer in research
Use of computer in agriculture
Use of computers in data communication.
Use of computer in banking
Use of computer in publishing
Use of computer in medical field
Use of business computers
Use of computer for entertainment
Use of computer software in design
Most of the modern computers
1 / Speed: Computers work incredibly fast. The reason it is so fast is because it works through an electrical signal, which travels at almost the same speed as the speed of light.
2 / Credibility: Although the computer works fast, its work is perfect. Due to advanced technology, it is always possible to perform certain tasks perfectly accurately with specific programs on the computer. However, in this case, the program and data must be 100% accurate. Modern computers have proven that humans make mistakes, but computers do not.
3 / Precision: The precision of the results obtained in the computer is incomparable. The subtlety of its calculations is extremely high. In the case of mathematical calculations it is able to give results in many places.

4 / Tirelessness: Even if you work continuously for a long time, the computer does not get tired or does not make mistakes in calculations.
5 / Memory: The memory of the computer is very large; Billions of data and instructions can be stored in it.

6 / Rational Decision: Not only can a computer perform various mathematical processes, but it can also perform logic processes. Can also make reasonable decisions on various matters.
7 / Versatility: Today's computer has become a powerful means of accomplishing complex tasks. Computers can help people with many things, from simple calculations to solving complex scientific problems.

8 / Automation: The computer works automatically. Computers perform a series of interdependent tasks. This means that the computer can solve the problem by processing the data as per the instructions given.

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My individual review Rating:

Quality: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)
service: ★ ★ ★★ (345)
Colors: ★★ ★ ★ (4/5)
My overall review rating is: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)

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