Review For Indian TV Serial

in hive-191303 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Some of the most popular Indian serial channels in Bangladesh.
Some of them are launching popular Zee Bangla Colors Bangla Star Jalsha.Now the most popular are some serial dramas of Zee Bangla.Now every house has a TV and every housewife is a little weaker on Zee Bangla serial.
A lot can be learned and a lot of general knowledge can be gained by watching Zee Bangla serials.After doing all the housework, the housewives have chosen Zee Bangla serial to spend their extra time.
It also saves their time in some entertainment way. The serials of Zee Bangla channel are so popular that clothes are taken out from the characters of those serials which the fans of the serials are eager to buy.All in all, Zee Bangla serials are so popular that they are so popular that everyone likes it.

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The three Indian television channels in question are Star Plus, Star Jalsha and Zee Bangla - very popular among a large section of Bangladeshi viewers. Especially among women.

According to a survey conducted by the Department of Population Sciences of Dhaka University a year ago, 90 percent of women in Bangladesh watch television, but only 80 percent of them watch Star Jalsa.Shafiul Alam Bhuiyan, a teacher in the Department of Television and Film Studies at Dhaka University, thinks that there are several reasons behind this.


He says, "One of the reasons is the excess of advertisements in the channels in Bangladesh. In terms of quantity, the advertisements in the Indian channels are less. Another reason is of course the quality of the program.``''In some cases, the planning of Indian shows, their content, especially the quality of acting is better. Many of our actors and actresses are very good, but we also have a lot of channels - so we have a lack of quality," said Bhuiyan.
He says, "All the producers or writers in this country who are involved in this industry are very talented. Our limitation is that we are not paying close attention to the whole system. "Giving an idea of ​​how producers are stuck in this place of limitation, he said, "If you see an Indian production, you will find a clean subject in it. Suppose there is an art director for any production in India. A producer can only think about production."


"But in Bangladesh, a producer has to do all the production work. He even has to call the artist, fix the car, see if the artist eats food. It disturbs his mind."Bangladeshi channels are not seen in India - with this counter-argument, many producers-directors in Bangladesh have been demanding that Bangladesh should also stop showing Indian channels.

Gazi Rakayet, one of the directors of the agitators, said, "Bangladesh's channels need to be given some time to recover. And that's why Indian channels need to be shut down, if not completely, for a while. And the government can only help."He is not at all willing to accept the question about quality. Instead, he thinks, "If our channels could be shown to them there, especially in West Bengal, then I think the same number of viewers watching West Bengal channels would also watch Bangladeshi channels there."

But even then it is a fact, the Indian channel as soon as the TV opens in Bangladesh. Is it because of the gorgeous outfits or the actors and actresses there are more glamorous than in Bangladesh?Mr Rakayet says, "It's very normal. Our culture is a little bit different from West Bengal. We're not liberal. But they like to show a lot of open things like extramarital affairs. So what visitors can't see in Bangladesh is a tendency to look elsewhere." May be. "

The court on the same day gave an opinion on the monitoring of the issues under which Bangladesh has formed a cell under the Television Management Act 2006 to monitor whether there is anything harmful in it.

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The bad side of Indian TV Serial……

The side-effects of Zee Bangla serials are so great that most of the Zee Bangla fans are driven crazy by Zee Bangla serials. Those who understand are good and those crazy fans who don't understand, they make this G-Bangla serial a real form of their life. All these crazy fans can stop eating and drinking to watch the serial and sit in front of the TV. These fans take the good side of the serial more than the bad side,And to watch these serials, most of the world is in turmoil today. Being created.

My individual review Rating:

Good Side: ★ ★ ★ (3/5)
Bad Side: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)
My overall review rating is: ★ ★ ★ (3/5)

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