Review For Watch

in hive-191303 •  3 years ago 

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A wristwatch is a timepiece that is usually worn on the wrist. The watch is attached to the wrist with a belt or some kind of bracket. Modern clocks not only show the time, but also the date, month and year. Electronic watches can do many more things.Magma watch Most of the cheap and medium priced watches are mainly used for time watching and they are electronic watches made of quartz. Not only time saving, but also the technical excellence and beauty of the watch is desired by the watch collectors. Such watches usually have mechanical speeds and have to breathe with springs, so they cannot give the exact time like a quartz watch.Before the size of the watch became smaller in the 20th century, pocket watches were popular, which could be carried around in a pocket and usually fastened with a chain. The wristwatch originated in 1800 from the spring-inspired watch, which was introduced around 1400.Clock speed Speed ​​is a special type of clock by which the rotation of time and the present time are known. Also known are dates, months, days, and years. The speed of the clock is divided into different parts depending on its technique. A watch can rely entirely on mechanical speed. Or it can run at full electronic speed. Again a watch can run with a combination of mechanical and electronic speeds.Mechanical speed Mechanical speed is less accurate than electronic speed. This speed has been created based on different instrument techniques. This watch is powered by breathing with a spring. When the spring is rotated, this rotational energy is stored in the main spring as kinetic energy. It is then transmitted through a mechanical wheel to a device called an escape. Clock matching escape and balance wheels Controls and performs second, minute, and hour handles. The mechanical watch has to breathe almost every day. Construction of mechanical speeds is expensive and requires high efficiency. Swiss brands such as Rolex, Omega, Panera It, Tudor, etc. are world famous for making mechanical watches.

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Automatic speed Automatic motion is a type of mechanical motion. Here the clock is automatically moved. There is no need to turn the spring and breathe. When a person walks or runs, a semicircular mass on the clock begins to move in a periodic motion. This gives the mainspring kinetic energy and controls the clock speed.

Electronic speed Electronic motion is also known as quartz motion. It is a battery powered watch and can tell the time accurately. Piezoelectric quartz crystals are electrified from the battery. This crystal vibrates about 32.6 times per second and determines the time in a subtle way.
The Japanese 'Seiko' company was the first to launch a quartz-powered watch. This is called the business of mechanical speed collapse. Quartz watches are extremely cheap but can accurately update the time. Quartz watches are currently the most common.
Kinetic motion Kinetic motion consists of a combination of mechanical and electronic motion. The origin of kinetic motion is due to the good aspects of these two motions. It is also known as auto-quartz motion. Since the quartz watch is battery powered, its battery has to be changed from time to time. Kinetic watches, on the other hand, are powered by quartz crystals, but their power comes from automatic breathing. The clock When in motion a mass is periodically moved inside the clock. This kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy through a generator that ignites piezoelectric quartz crystals. The quartz crystal vibrates about 32.6 times per second and in seconds, minutes, and hours Performs the thorn in a delicate way. The Japanese brand Seiko launched the first kinetic watch on the web back machine on October 26, 2020. It has become popular as it is environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive.


My individual review Rating:

Quality: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)
Price: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)
service: ★ ★ ★ (3/5)
Colors: ★ ★★ ★ (4/5)
My overall review rating is: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)

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