Earth Catastrophe Cycle | Signs on the Sun

in hive-192465 •  3 years ago 

What would you do if you had advanced warning of an imminent threat? How many times have you driving and an oncoming car entered your lane? What would you do? What if a large truck jackknifed filling both sides of a road. I once was driving on a major highway during a blizzard and decided to leave it and take a detour. I narrowly missed being part of a 70 car pileup.

This video describes what can be expected if a significant solar cataclysm is imminent. Periodically Earth is hit by something referred to as a CME - a Coronal Mass Ejection. As far as I know, we have been either hit or grazed by at least two this summer.

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are large expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun’s corona. They can eject billions of tons of coronal material and carry an embedded magnetic field (frozen in flux) that is stronger than the background solar wind interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength. CMEs travel outward from the Sun at speeds ranging from slower than 250 kilometres per second (km/s) to as fast as near 3000 km/s. The fastest Earth-directed CMEs can reach our planet in as little as 15-18 hours. Slower CMEs can take several days to arrive. They expand in size as they propagate away from the Sun, and larger CMEs can reach a size comprising nearly a quarter of the space between Earth and the Sun by the time it reaches our planet.


I discussed what happened during the Carrington Event three months ago and during the Worst Year in History two months ago. Additionally, I posted a video announcing the arrival of an X-Class Solar Flare.

Our sun is capable of creating elements up to and including iron. When you consider the abundance of much heavier elements like gold or uranium, doesn't one wonder where those came from? They are "manufactured" in supernova events. Our solar system is currently traversing a vast plane of dust ejected from the center of our galaxy. Think of the images of spiralling matter that you see of models of the "Milky Way." Our sun is accumulating dust from this cloud now. I won't locate the evidence right now but temporarily accept that star systems toward the center of the galaxy have all been going off in "nova-like" events. Instead of CMEs filling a quarter of the space, they show CMEs spiralling 360 degrees.

In roughly 25 years, we will encounter a significant collision. The amount of CME material has historically blotted out the sun. The Carrington event caused the Northern lights to be so bright, you could read outside at midnight. In the past, it was so bright that people thought the sun had stood still. Unfortunately, there isn't a convenient road to detour onto to avoid this event. If it is only to be the size of the Carrington Event, it will destroy the power grid for about ten years. If it is to be the size of the Charlemagne Event, it will knock us into a dark age lasting centuries. If it is of the magnitude of the Younger Dryas Event, it will reduce the survivors to the stone age for thousands of years.

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