How most look at money

in hive-192766 •  4 years ago 

The below narrative is also a satirical look at the currency provided for us, some aspects are fictional, while some are not, but I'll let you figure that out

government advertising fiat

"We have sooo much money for you, you will never go poor"

The masses cheering in the crowd after receiving a sweet deal from the government

"oh thank god i can feed my kids this week"

"awesome I can treat my girlfriend this week as well as my dog"

"YES!!!, Time to get another cat!"

"I can get some clothes, cause not everyone loves nudies"

"Yay!! stripper dollars!!!

The masses realizing the value of the money is being lost when milk goes up over night and a politician is saying it is just temporary and that it is fixed by making more stripper dollars.

"We can give you more clothes, more cats and more treats in the long run, with quantitative easing.

Masses thinking the government has a solution, not knowing what they meant by quantitative easing.

"Well, more is always best, lets tell the rest and bully them if they don't agree, then I'll go on a shopping spree, since that is what the politician said will fix the problem, hmmm but the price has already gone up, oh well, he said it's only temporary.

Masses start freaking out, yelling we need more and why is the price of everything still up, I thought it was only temporary, you said it 13 times in row in your speech.

Politician replies; We have a brilliant idea up our sleeve and it's called an austerity measure politician holds up finger pistols and shoots the air like he doesn't care

print that money.png

More for everyone, there problem solved

Masses show up at the next national address by the politician who thinks he is the leader of the FREE world and the clone of Jesus Christ and his Halo made of money.

"Thou shalt have no other money before Me"

Meanwhile on The Developers come up with a different solution to wealth.

joker and pool cue.jpg

There are only ever going to be 25 million coins, but we have room for aggressive expansion, so were gunna have try outs, so have at it.

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