How are you?? We constantly find various types of abuse. Abusers change their style from time to time. But we always try to find out. Many accounts are created and similar posts are being made daily for very little reward. But the number of such accounts is not less. They post one every day from each account for a small reward.
Even if it is a small amount, if you add the rewards of each account, the amount becomes a big number. It is a group or each account has only one owner behind it. It may be controlled by one person or a group may be behind it. We are investigating. I am going to share some samples today. Hope you can understand.
NO. | ID | Post Link | Abuse Type | User Status |
1 | @lapomme | Farming | Reward farming | active |
2 | @lethomas | Farming | Reward farming | active |
3 | @seamstressfruit | Farming | Reward farming | active |
4 | @laserpent | Farming | Reward farming | active |
5 | @laserpent | Farming | Reward farming | active |
6 | @nunweyr | Farming | Reward farming | active |
7 | @chipswitch | Farming | Reward farming | active |
8 | @clerkquiet | Farming | Reward farming | active |
9 | @nunweyr | Farming | Reward farming | active |
10 | @lapomme | Farming | Reward farming | active |
11 | @salutlami | Farming | Reward farming | active |
12 | @bong-cha | Farming | Reward farming | active |
13 | @essexstomach | Farming | Reward farming | active |
14 | @teenremove | Farming | Reward farming | active |
15 | @labanane | Farming | Reward farming | active |
16 | @disparu | Farming | Reward farming | active |
17 | @chipswitch | Farming | Reward farming | active |
18 | @manojjagtapa | Farming | Reward farming | active |
19 | @dateride | Farming | Reward farming | active |
20 | @charmingepee | Farming | Reward farming | active |
21 | @gloomybarberry | Farming | Reward farming | active |
22 | @chipswitch | Farming | Reward farming | active |
23 | @lecerf-volant | Farming | Reward farming | active |
24 | @chin-hwa | Farming | Reward farming | active |
25 | @labanane | Farming | Reward farming | active |
26 | @bong-cha | Farming | Reward farming | active |
27 | @charmingepee | Farming | Reward farming | active |
28 | @gloomybarberry | Farming | Reward farming | active |
29 | @manojjagtapa | Farming | Reward farming | active |
30 | @lelephan | Farming | Reward farming | active |
31 | @tabernacletacit | Farming | Reward farming | active |
32 | @essexstomach | Farming | Reward farming | active |
33 | @labanane | Farming | Reward farming | active |
34 | @teenremove | Farming | Reward farming | active |
35 | @lapomme | Farming | Reward farming | active |
36 | @lecerf-volant | Farming | Reward farming | active |
37 | @hilariousreceiv | Farming | Reward farming | active |
38 | @chipswitch | Farming | Reward farming | active |
39 | @chung-ae | Farming | Reward farming | active |
40 | @chung-ae | Farming | Reward farming | active |
41 | @lechien | Farming | Reward farming | active |
42 | @enhaut | Farming | Reward farming | active |
43 | @amuckbaby | Farming | Reward farming | active |
44 | @goneamused | Farming | Reward farming | active |
45 | @sunrisefink | Farming | Reward farming | active |
What are your thoughts on them? Their activities are very similar. Each account posts in the same style. A picture and three to four lines of text. Anyone who sees it will know that its controller is one. We are constantly giving warnings. We are monitoring. We will take action very soon. If you have any information about them, please share them in the comment box.
I have something to say:
I'm a Verified Detective in the STEEM WATCHER community. I work to keep this platform clean. I fight against all forms of abuse of this platform. I believe one day this platform will rise to unique heights. I don't want to punish abusers by downvoting them without warning. I want to guide them by warning. There are some users who are deliberately abusing this platform. I am in favor of punishing them with a down vote.
We fight against :
- Plagiarism
- Spamming
- Identity Theft
- Copyright Infringement
- Reward farming communities
- Scamming or, any Financial fraud on Steemit
- Phishing Attacks or, any kind of Hacking attempt
- Fake Crypto ICO, IPO or, any Scam Coin Campaign
I request all polite users to inform me of any kind of abuse that comes to your notice. I will try to provide necessary guidelines.