UNIKI Bireuen KKM Students Teach Students How to Manage Finances Simply.

in hive-193186 •  6 months ago 


UNIKI Bireuen KKM students who were placed in several villages in several sub-districts have been implementing various group and individual programs to teach the community and students for some time now.

One of UNIKI's KKM students named Lidia Nurlina who was placed in Paloh Seulimeng Village, Jeumpa Bireuen a few days ago implemented one of the programs for local elementary and MIN students.

The program is themed "Financial literacy and simple financial records".

Lidia Nurlina is a student of the accounting study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, UNIKI. The simple financial literacy activity is specifically for students of MIN 34 Bireuen in the Paloh Seulimeng Village area, Jeumpa.

One of the basic literacies that must be possessed by the community, including children, is financial literacy. Financial literacy education is a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of personal financial management.

Financial literacy education is very much needed to educate the community to know and understand how to manage finances wisely and based on needs.

In general, children prioritize the desire factor over needs so that it can add to economic problems in the family.

The purpose of this activity is to provide understanding and educate students about the benefits and importance of making simple financial records and introducing effective and accurate financial literacy.

In addition, the material taught is also a basic example that can be a guide for elementary school children / MIN.

Lidia Nurliana as a teacher of financial literacy and simple financial recording hopes that what has been conveyed and explained in detail can be useful for students at the school as well as being a foundation and motivation for other related parties that it is very important to understand finance, especially taught from an early age.

Hayatun Nufus SAg as the Head of MIN 34 Bireuen allowed female students to provide education on the importance of understanding finance from an early age.

She added that what was taught to her students could hopefully be a foundation and extraordinary benefit for the students at the madrasah.

In the ongoing activities, there were several benefits for those who listened carefully and attentively as people who already understood why it was important to learn finance wisely.

They can make decisions in terms of buying things they want, children can save for the future where the savings can be used for useful things, for example, used for further school fees.

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