Solo un árbol... Pero también mucho más
Así que no nos podemos rendir, sino que hay que seguir adelante. El dolor no es eterno.
Muchas gracias por leer esto. Me despido por ahora, pero no es un adiós definitivo, sino un "hasta prontito". Con todo mi cariño. 💕
Foto tomada con mi teléfono Infinix Hot 10. Isla de Margarita, Venezuela.
Hello, Steemit friends. Today I want to show you this photograph and the reflection I had when I saw it. As you can see, it is a tree that the tide brought in. I began to wonder how it got there. At one time it was rooted to the ground, firm and solid, but then it was torn from everything it knew and died wandering in the sea. However, that was not its end. It became the home of new forms of life, it got a second chance.
Just a tree... But also much more
In the same way, many times we have a second chance to move forward. We believe that the tide has taken us, that we were torn from everything we knew and were happy with, that we died in the sea of anxiety and pain, but in reality, we transform into something else: a refuge for new feelings and emotions.
So we cannot give up, but we have to keep going. Pain is not eternal.
Thank you very much for reading this. I say goodbye for now, but it is not a final farewell, just a “see you soon.” With all my affection. 💕
Photo taken with my Infinix Hot 10 phone. Margarita Island, Venezuela.