【退款的困惑】- 一...

in hive-193186 •  2 years ago 

【退款的困惑】- 一个关于退款的脑筋急转弯
有一天,一个商人走进一家旅店,他付了 300 元,拿到了房间的钥匙。这时,老板突然想起来这个房间只要 250 元,于是派一个店员把 50 元退还给商人。不过,这个店员不识数,于是拿走了 20 元,只退还了商人 30 元。
第二天,老板发现店员把 20 元拿走了,于是让店员去找商人把这 20 元退还给他。店员走到商人的房间门口,发现他已经离开了旅店,于是他把 20 元放在了门口。过了一会儿,旅店的服务员经过这里,看到地上有 20 元,便拿起来交给了老板。老板拿到 20 元后,想起这个房间只需要 250 元,于是派服务员把 20 元退给商人。那么,这个故事里的商人到底赚了多少钱呢?答案在下一期的脑筋急转弯里。敬请观看下一期的脑筋急转弯。
【Confusion about Refunds】- A brain teaser about refunds
One day, a businessman walked into a hotel. He paid 300 yuan and got the key to the room. At this time, the boss suddenly remembered that the room only cost 250 yuan, so he sent a clerk to return 50 yuan to the merchant. However, the clerk didn't know how to count, so he took the 20 yuan and only refunded the merchant 30 yuan.
The next day, the boss found that the clerk had taken away the 20 yuan, so he asked the clerk to go to the merchant to return the 20 yuan to him. The clerk went to the door of the merchant's room and found that he had left the hotel, so he left the 20 yuan at the door. After a while, the waiter of the hotel passed by here and saw 20 yuan on the ground, so he picked it up and handed it to the boss. After the boss got the 20 yuan, he remembered that the room only cost 250 yuan, so he sent the waiter to return the 20 yuan to the merchant. So, how much money did the businessman in this story make? The answer is in the brain teaser in the next issue. Stay tuned for the next episode of Brain Teasers.
【Test of Three Lights】Answer: When he walks into the room, turn on the first light first, then turn on the second light, and finally turn on the first and second lights at the same time. Then he went out of the room and told the girl's father where each light switch was.
The girl's father was amazed and said that he had passed the test and could marry his daughter. why? Because two lights are on in this room at the same time, the switch for the third light must be off. Therefore, the young man only needs to turn on the first two lights to determine the switch position of the third light.

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