【平分三瓶饮料】- ...

in hive-193186 •  last year 

【平分三瓶饮料】- 一个关于平分三瓶饮料的脑筋急转弯
【退款的困惑】答案:其实,商人并没有赚到任何钱。他本来付了 300 元,退回 20 元后只剩下了 280 元,因此他实际上是亏了 20 元。但是,店员和老板的错误计算导致商人看起来好像多赚了 20 元,这就是这道脑筋急转弯的巧妙之处。
【Equally divide three bottles of drinks】- A brain teaser about dividing three bottles of drinks equally
One day, three people went on a trip, and they each brought a bottle of drink. When they arrived at their destination, they found that there was no drink shop there, so they decided to share three bottles of drinks equally. However, they only had one empty bottle and two glasses.
What are they going to do to split the three drinks equally?
The first person thinks for a while, then empties the bottle, pours another bottle of drink into it, and then divides it in half when it is full. That way, they have half a bottle and a drink.
The second person decided that wasn't good enough, so he took out a glass, filled the bottle with the drink, and then split it in half so that everyone got a drink. He then poured the rest of the drink into the bottle, filled the bottle, and divided it in half so that everyone got half a drink.
The third person also felt dissatisfied after hearing the methods of the first two people. He thought of a better way. do you know the answer The answer is in the brain teaser in the next issue. Stay tuned for the next episode of Brain Teasers.
[Confusion about refunds] Answer: Actually, the businessman didn't make any money. He originally paid 300 yuan, and after returning 20 yuan, he was only left with 280 yuan, so he actually lost 20 yuan. However, miscalculations by the clerk and the boss make it look like the businessman has made an extra $20, which is where this brain teaser comes in.

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