Geudong-Geudong Village Youth Institution Holds Inter-Student MTQ.

in hive-193186 •  4 months ago 


The Geudong-Geudong Village Government, Kota Juang District, Bireuen, through the local Village Youth Institution, held a Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) between students at the Village level.

This activity is a means to deepen the understanding of the values ​​of the Al-Quran in everyday life among students. The Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran between students is also in order to enliven the Commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday. Year 1446 H / 2024 AD.

The MTQ activity was held for five nights, starting from October 23 to October 27 (After Isya), taking place at the Al Mujahiddin Study Hall of the local village.

The Head of the local Village Youth, Faisal, said that there were five branches competed in this MTQ between students, with a total of 122 male and female participants.

"The participants consist of elementary school, MI, SMP, MTs, SMA, SMK and MA students, specifically residents of Gampong Geudong-Geudong," said Faisal.

It was stated that the five branches were Tahfidz Quran, category of elementary school level equivalent students in grades 1, 2 and 3, followed by 36 participants. Category of elementary school level equivalent, students in grades 4, 5 and 6 followed by 48 participants.

Then, the Branch of Memorizing readings in prayer, category of elementary school level equivalent, students in grades 4, 5 and 6. followed by 9 participants. Azan Competition Branch category of junior high school level equivalent, followed by 10 participants.

Next, Azan Shubuh Competition Branch category of senior high school level equivalent, followed by 6 participants. Al-Quran Tilawah Competition Branch category of junior high school level equivalent, followed by 9 participants. Category of senior high school level equivalent, followed by 4 participants.

"The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each branch and category were given prizes by the committee," he explained.









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