Aceh Provincial Trade and Industry Agency Holds Cheap Market.

in hive-193186 •  3 months ago 


The Aceh Provincial Trade and Industry Agency (Disperindag) held a cheap market in the yard of the former PUPR Bireuen office, Monday, November 18, 2024.

The cheap market in collaboration with the Bireuen Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Agency (Disdagperinkop and UKM) took place in four sub-districts in Bireuen, starting Monday - Thursday, November 18 - 21.

Trade Supervisor of the Bireuen Trade and Industry Agency, Yus Edarni, said that this cheap market was held in order to handle inflation and stabilize the prices of basic goods in 17 districts/cities, one of which was in Bireuen.

The first day of the cheap market was attended by Assistant II of the Bireuen Regional Secretariat, Dailami, Head of the Trade and Industry Agency, Irfan, Maimun from the Bireuen Central Statistics Agency (BPS). for four types of basic necessities that have been purchased by the public.

The commodities sold are premium rice measuring 10 kg/sack for IDR 94 thousand, chicken eggs for IDR 39 thousand/board, cooking oil for IDR 34 thousand/2 kg, granulated sugar for IDR 28 thousand/2 kg and in one package it is IDR 195 thousand.

"Each sub-district has the same allocation of goods, namely 5,000 kg of rice, 1,000 kg of sugar, 1,000 liters of cooking oil and 408 boards of chicken eggs," said Yus Edarni.

Cheap Market Schedule at the Former PUPR Bireuen Office Yard, Monday, November 18, 2024. Samalanga People's Market, Tuesday, November 19, 2024. Gampong Blang Asan soccer field, Peusangan District, Wednesday, November 20, 2024. Jangka Sub-district Office Yard, Thursday, November 21, 2024.

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