MIN Bireuen Students Participate in Creativity Celebration, Quiz and Speech Contest in 3 Languages.

in hive-193186 •  2 months ago 


MIN Bireuen Students Participate in Creativity Celebration, Quiz and Speech Contest in 3 Languages.

Dozens of students from state and private Islamic Elementary Schools (MI) in Bireuen participated in the creativity Celebration for two days, Monday and Tuesday (16-17/12/2024).

This activity was held by the Elementary School Working Group (K2MI), Bireuen Ministry of Religion Office.

The creativity Celebration included a quiz competition, speech contest in three languages, namely Acehnese, Arabic, and English, held at MIN 50 Bireuen or MIN Cot Meurak Juli.

The chairman of the committee, Fauzan MPd, said that the creativity Celebration was attended by seven MI clusters in Bireuen.

The seven clusters are the Samalanga Cluster, Jeunieb Cluster, Bireuen Cluster, Peusangan 1 Cluster, Peusangan 2 Cluster, Jangka Cluster, and Gandapura Cluster.


"The quiz competition was attended by 42 participants, who were the results of the cluster level selection," said Fauzan, who also serves as the Head of MIN 14 Peulimbang Bireuen.

In addition to the quiz competition, the event also featured a speech competition in Acehnese, Arabic, and English with 42 participants who were also the results of the cluster level selection.

The quiz competition was held on the first day, while the speech competition was held on the second day, Tuesday (12/17/2024).

The Head of K2MI, Mudassir MAg, hopes that the activity can be a means of fostering friendship and improving the abilities of students of the Elementary Madrasah.

"Hopefully activities like this can be held every year to hone the creativity and abilities of students," said Mudassir.


Head of the Administration Sub-Division of the Bireuen Ministry of Religion Office, H. Rival Fauzal SH when opening the activity, the creativity festival aims to strengthen friendship between the heads of madrasahs and provide space for students to show their talents and creativity.

Rival Fauzan appreciated the implementation of this event and hoped that it could continue to strengthen the relationship between madrasahs and increase student creativity.

Rival also gave an award to the committee who had worked hard in making the Gebyar Kreativitas event a success.







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