Arts Festival Finished, Dozens of Bireuen Students and Studio Win Champions.

in hive-193186 •  9 months ago 

Arts Festival Finished, Dozens of Bireuen Students and Studio Win Champions.

The student-level arts festival held by the Bireuen Regency Education and Culture Service (Disdikbud) in the context of National Education Day has ended in the courtyard of the Regent's Hall, Saturday, 4/5/2024, evening and the committee determined the champion.

As for the winners in the festival, as stated by the competition committee for junior high school level, first place was won by Sanggar Meurah Intan UPTD SMPN 1 Bireuen, second place was Sanggar Aneuk Meutuah SMAN 1 Peusangan Siblah Krueng and third place was Sanggar Batee Kureng SMAN 1 Bireuen.

Meanwhile, first place in the poetry creation competition was Putri Aliya Shaqila UPTD SDN 21 Bireuen, second place winner Kamila Nafisa SDIT Al Fatih and third place winner Nyak Putroe Saleum UPTD SDN 7 July.

Next, the winner of the coloring competition at PAUD/TK level, first place was Anasya Inayatillah, PAUD Pelita Bunda Blang Guron, Gandapura, second place was Jihan Haura Nadhifa, Kindergarten Insan Madani, Peusangan and third place was Muhammad Huwa Fawwaz Kindergarten Tahfidz Rumah Quran, Bireuen.

The favorite coloring champions were Zarratun Nafisah from Raudhatul Jannah Kindergarten, Aisyah Lathifa from Jasa Bunda Kindergarten, and Laila Hafiza UPTD Cut Nyak Asiah State Kindergarten.

Furthermore, first place in the photography competition was Marsya Masthura Niza SMPIT Azkiya Bireuen, second place was Al Hanief Omar SMPIT Azkiya Bireuen and third place was Ulfa Dafira UPTD SMPN 2 Peudada.

Each 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner was given a trophy, certificate of appreciation and some coaching money.

At the ceremony, the Head of the Bireuen Education and Culture Office, Muslim, M.Si, appeared to read a poem from his work entitled Together Moving.

"When the rain comes, the fighters, the students continue to move forward, move forward together, move forward, run forward to gain hope, the future of this country is in your hands, my students."

In his speech, Assistant II of the Bireuen Regional Secretariat, Dailami, S.Hut, said that education is not only about learning in the classroom, but also about developing souls and talents, as well as fostering a spirit of creativity and appreciation for art and culture.

Culture has a very important role in shaping student creativity. Where culture can be a source of inspiration and influence student creativity.

Cultural elements allow students to express their cultural identity through works of art. They can express their values, beliefs, and cultural traditions through painting, poetry, music, or other works of art.

By enriching arts education with cultural elements, students can develop their creativity while deepening their understanding of local culture and the world around them.

"In the student arts festival we have witnessed the charm and uniqueness of the young talents of Bireuen Regency," he said.

They have shown their dedication, hard work and creativity through various stunning performances. This is clear proof that education does not only focus on academic achievement, but also on developing individual potential and talents.

To the winners, Dailami congratulated them on their proud achievements. Hopefully the achievements achieved today will not make you feel satisfied. Today's achievements can be a spur to achieve higher achievements.

"Participants who have not succeeded, don't give up, stay enthusiastic and keep trying because in achieving the expected results in the future there is no giving up," said Assistant II of the Bireuen Regional Secretariat.

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