Leuhan Village, West Aceh Wins First Place in Gammawar at Aceh Province Level.

in hive-193186 •  7 months ago 

Leuhan Village, West Aceh Wins First Place in Gammawar at Aceh Province Level.

Leuhan Village, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency, won first place in the Gampong Mawaddah Warrahmah (GAMMAWAR) PKK competition in 2023. This competition assesses the implementation of 10 main family welfare empowerment (PKK) programs at the village level.

Acting (Pj) Chair of the Aceh Province Family Welfare Empowerment Team (TP PKK), Mrs Mellani Subarni Bustam handed over the 2023 Gammawar champion award directly to the Acting Chair of the West Aceh TP PKK, Mrs. Radhiah, S.Pdi.

The Mawaddah Warrahmah Gampong Competition 10 PKK Main Programs was held to encourage gampongs in Aceh to improve the quality of life of the community through sustainable and competitive PKK programs.

Acting Chairperson of the West Aceh PKK TP, Mrs. Radhiah, S. Pdi, expressed his appreciation and thanks to all levels, especially to Gampong Leuhan for their extraordinary contribution in winning the assessment of the 10 main PKK programs, Gampong Mawaddah Warrahmah (GAMMAWAR).

"Thank God we are champions, God willing, we will continue to make sustainable efforts towards the 10 main PKK programs," said Radhiah Tuesday (09/07/2024) at Anjong Mon Mata Meuligoe, Aceh Governor in Banda Aceh.

According to Radhiah, Leuhan gampong has succeeded in standing out with extraordinary achievements in advancing community empowerment initiatives through PKK programs. "The village head (keucik) and local community are very passionate about improving the quality of life and family welfare, which is reflected in their success in winning this prestigious competition," said Radhiah.

"This victory is the result of all of our hard work and commitment to continuing to improve the quality of life and welfare of families in Leuhan Village. We thank everyone who has supported and participated in realizing the PKK's vision and mission," he said.

The gammawar assessment committee announced that Gampong Leuhan, Johan Pahlawan District, has succeeded in achieving first place in the assessment of the implementation of 10 main family welfare empowerment programs (PKK) at the Aceh Province level in 2023. Second place was achieved by Gampong Lhok Meudang Ara, Manyak Payed District, Regency Aceh Tamiang, followed by Gampong Sigula, West Simeulue, Simeulue Regency which was ranked third.

Meanwhile, the third hopeful position award was given to Gampong Damar Mulyo, Atu Lintang District, Central Aceh Regency. Meanwhile, Gampong Peuniti, Baiturrahman District, Banda Aceh City, achieved the second hopeful position, and Gampong Neuheun, Aceh Besar, succeeded in achieving the first hopeful position.

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